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Everything posted by Techniques

  1. I was playing on a server today and these dudes had a helicopter. Thought that would be fun alright until I seen these guys firing missiles from the choppers destroying buildings leaving them as just rubble. Is this usual? I really didnt think it was and wondering if it's hackers or something. Seems a bit of a joke that these guys are just going around destroying the hospitals and other useful buildings...
  2. Techniques

    Choppers have missiles?!?

    It's terrible
  3. But this isn't Diablo 3 or WoW, this is Day Z. You get one life on one account. Live to the max!!
  4. Techniques

    Choppers have missiles?!?

    I thought Rocket was banning admins that cheated on their servers? Is there somewhere to report this to for him to look into? It's a pitty people would rather cheat than to actually enjoy the game the legitimate way like the rest of us...
  5. Techniques

    Choppers have missiles?!?

    Ok well the server is UK LNC for anyone interested in seeing these guys firing missiles at people and totalling buildings. There was an admin on while this was happening (I've been on and off all day and these guys were on the whole time) so either he's one of them or doesn't care about what's happening. My guess is that he's in the chopper tbh.