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Everything posted by JakeFromStateFarm.

  1. JakeFromStateFarm.

    PC building.

    Soo, As some of u may know I was looking into getting a Mac and playing DayZ on it. I wanna explore my options a bit more and see what kind of PC I can build for how much. So what websites would you suggest to do that. And what parts and specs would you recommend to run dayZ on max settings? For a decent price. Thanks!
  2. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    The crossbow mod would be cool, BUT according to gews I don't think it would "fit" into the background. If it were an AK mod I'm sure it would be a wonderful idea!
  3. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    As will I suggest whatever I like...
  4. JakeFromStateFarm.


    Well first off I'm new here, (I know I know) and I'm sure you guys don't wanna see ANOTHER Mac&DayZ thread,but I'm aware you can boot camp and run the dayZ mod, but I'm curious to know how smooth and what kinda performance I would get if I were to go this route, what specs would my Mac need in order to run nice and a smooth with the best possible results (for a Mac) any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Besides I was just kinda throwing ideas around, diffrent calibers other than 5.56 and 7.62 would be a fun idea to mix things up.
  6. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    The point is, Russian ammunition manufactures produce 6.8 SPC rounds. 6.8 SPC is available in Russia and neighboring countries maybe not for civilian use, but for millitary use, yes it is. And as states above ther is US prescense in chernarus, so maybe make that rifle chambered in 6.8 SPC a very rare or extremely rare weapon. If u shoot a zombie with a 5.56 out of a 10.5" barrel do u think he's really gonna say, well the terminal velocity isn't high enough to kill me.. U can take a zombie down in how many rounds with 9mm to the head? Same rules could apply for the SBR.
  7. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Not only my self, but many people I know have ak-47's built in Russia. 6.8 SPC is on the production line of a Russian ammunition line. Wich point in case it would be available, or be able to be found in a Russian background.
  8. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    So you're saying if a zombie apocalypse happened in the US(assuming you're in the US) and we had to scavenge for weapons u don't think u would find an AK-47 with 7.62x39 rounds?
  9. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    Correct but the 5.56 was not a round build for SBR's at all. 5.56 is one of the worst rounds to be run out of an SBR, ballistics wise. Rounds like the 6.8 SPC, 6x35 TSWG that were designed for SBR's would get alot better terminal performance, so if they were to implement some sort of SBR variant they could run 6.8 SPC rounds in it or the 6x35 TSWG.
  10. JakeFromStateFarm.

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    I would love to see some kind of short barred rifle like maybe a SBR(short barreled rifle)M4 or a SBR SCAR-16s. SBR's obviously lose alot of accuracy and velocity due to the shorter barrel so maybe in close quarters situations it could do more damage then at farther distances. And and maybe a few more glock models maybe the Glock 19,GLock 23 and some of the .45 ACP models like the G21 and maybe a 10mm model like the G20. maybe add some sig model handguns and rifles like their SBR Sig556. Maybe be able to put a DBAL A2 lasers on your rifles when you find them. It could give you better accuracy at farther distances. Idk I'm just kinda dreaming here. Would be great to see all that in a game.
  11. JakeFromStateFarm.

    2 questions need help FAST.

    So I have 2 questions, if I purchase arma operation arrowhead on one computer, if I wanna play it on another computer do I have to buy it at full price again? 2nd question: I recently saw a link u can go to to see if your PC will run the game. Does anybody have that link? Thanks!
  12. JakeFromStateFarm.

    2 questions need help FAST.

    Well I ran the test on the link he posted and it said I was not able to run it!:( It was a laptop though I've just been itching to play it while I wait until I get my desktop! If the website posted above says I can't run it, does that mean I can't run it at all?? Or I just can't run it on decent settings?
  13. JakeFromStateFarm.

    2 questions need help FAST.

    Yessss. Thank you for your quick response!
  14. JakeFromStateFarm.


    The 27" with this in it, 3.4 GHz quad Core intel i5, 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2X8GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX 1GB GDDR5 What do u think?
  15. JakeFromStateFarm.


    What about 3.4 GHz quad Core intel i5, 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2X8GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX 1GB GDDR5 Is that terrible?
  16. JakeFromStateFarm.


    So a PC is the way to go it looks like.. Lol is it REALLY that bad on Mac though?