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James Hawke

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Everything posted by James Hawke

  1. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    First one happens a lot to me. Second one hasn't happened yet, but it's a known bug (it's in the changelog)
  2. When the zombies work as well as they do in Dead Island, I'm happy :P At least those were scary to some degree and not just an annoyance.
  3. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    So... apparently I got a bit more lucky today than yesterday... Much more... After being chased through Novy Sobor by four zombies, that I actually managed to kill after hiding out up in a barn, within the next hour or so I found: - Three wild boars - Four deers - Two heli crashsites - Holosights for my crossbow - Colt Python with speedloader - A 75 round drum mag - A metric shitton of .380 ammo that I don't even know what to use for... Seems like an awful lot to me... Also I noticed that while going through the school building in Vybor in 3pp, my camera view would slip up through the ceiling every now and then. I hadn't noticed that happening before. EDIT: I forgot to mention: The numbers for zeroing on the holosights are unreadable for me. I'm playing on 1366x768 but I can't make out the numbers, they're just too small.
  4. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Oh don't get me wrong. I have nothing against zombies. As long as they are working as intended and are not just frustratingly buggy.
  5. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Well... I don't know, could be just my luck. Been playing fine for days, now the patch is out, I die four times in a row. Twice due to zombies I couldn't hit. Can't even seem to test out the other features of the patch because I can't seem to stay alive for long enough to see them :D
  6. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I've just been all but annihilated by zombies in Staroye... three of them on me at the same time. Twice. Everytime it takes ages to get them down because I can't friggin' hit them! Just running around them so they can't hit me, but they don't care. They just stand still and hit me anyway. Then I stood still. Stood right in front of them. Couldn't hit a single one. Back to running in circles. Either I'm just unlucky today or, god forbid, these obnoxious junkies are even worse than before.
  7. James Hawke

    Share your worst deaths

    I was looting Mogilevka with my friend today. All each of us had was a 4 slot jacket and 4 slot pants each. No backpacks, just an axe on the back... Well, one shot from I don't know where, my buddy was dead. Next shot I was dead. No warning, no missed shots, someone just one-shot us both in the middle of nowhere.
  8. James Hawke


    What does SMERSH stand for? To me the word sounds just like the texture looks...
  9. James Hawke

    Vehicle Ideas of DayZ Standalone

    In case it hasn't been said yet: I want to be able to repair and use trains xD There is such an abundance of traintracks on the map...
  10. James Hawke

    timer before you can press respawn

    Well since you already have a respawn timer after clicking respawn, why not just put the timer BEFORE clicking respawn and not AFTER?
  11. James Hawke

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    These two fit awfully well together :D
  12. James Hawke

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Can someone tell me if the zombie hitboxes have been fixed? I'm still downloading the update and my internet is slow.
  13. James Hawke

    This video made me want to play DayZ

    lol that's hilarious :D
  14. James Hawke

    Why...........(movement and avatar control)

    Yes that's the problem. Combat is not the only thing DayZ is about. CSGO is just the wrong system to compare it to. So very wrong. CSGO is not necessarily more fluid than DayZ, it's just so much more simplified. You always have a set amount of ammo for your gun, no gun has bullet drop, no zeroing for sniper rifles, instant death with the AWP no matter where you hit your target, you can be at 1HP and still move and jump around happily without a worry in the world unless someone hits you again, no scope sway, no breathing, hell you don't even have to 'ready' your gun to shoot. That doesn't work in DayZ.
  15. James Hawke

    Why...........(movement and avatar control)

    Honestly, if you want a fast paced and fluid deathmatch/team deathmatch/hostage scenario/bomb scenario game, do play CSGO.
  16. James Hawke

    How many ammo do you carry?

    On my new 8 slot character, one pack of 7.62x51 for my Blaze :P
  17. James Hawke

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Where The Fuck Am I
  18. James Hawke

    Lootable bodies and eerie eye candy

    This is a post-apocalyptic world and not everybody will have turned into a flesh-craving meth addict. So I would like to see dead people - Yes, actually dead dead people - sitting in cars, lying on the street, in beds, in military bases... And whatever they have on them could be looted - often items they carry would be ruined, of course, but there could be something useful. Also, given the situation, some people might have taken their own lives. I'm waiting for the day where I find bodies peacefully in their beds or others in the middle of the forest, hanging from a tree with their head in a noose, swinging with the wind. This is supposed to be a horror game right?
  19. James Hawke

    Craftable Noose.

    Yeah sure, why not ^^ Certainly, for players it would just be a way to suicide to get another spawn - and probably a rarely used one at that as they can just jump off a building or let themselves get mauled by zombies - but why not have the mechanic there? I'm sure it could also be used to hang other players - if they let anyone do that ... I kinda doubt it... I wouldn't let anyone do that with me - waste of time.
  20. James Hawke

    PC Noob

    From the two you've linked, I'd take the Minion Ultra. You don't really need more than 8GB Ram. But my guess is, you'll need the quadcore. Also the Minion has the slightly better graphics card.
  21. James Hawke

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    I was just sniping the spire in Novo with my friend. I do believe we killed one guy... Don't judge us, we were getting the hang of the rifle and the scope - how else are we gonna do that if not with unpredictably moving targets? Anyhow, we were shot not a minute after that. I don't know whom by, I don't know from where, but it doesn't matter much, we're dead. We were lying prone in the grass just above the church north of the spire. Recognise yourself? :D Good job anyhow. We were a bit stupid, we didn't check our surroundings thoroughly enough before getting comfy. Off to the next character concept: 8 slot survival. Let's see how that works xD
  22. James Hawke

    Lootable bodies and eerie eye candy

    Thanks for the positive feedback :) I'm aware that this is probably pretty low on the developers' priority list, but I do hope it's there. I don't quite feel the 'horror' genre yet. I was also (perhaps a bit morbidly) thinking about being able to use dead bodies. You know, using sticks and the body to craft a decoy that you can put on the side of a road, have people reveal their location by shooting at it. Something like that.
  23. James Hawke

    What intimades you the most

    Full military gear with M4 or similar weapons, hunting backpack or improvised backpack. More often than not those guys are bored and hunting for players. I keep the hell away if I can. Also people with Payday- or Gasmasks. It might be bias talking but prepare to have some bullets miss you - 'Cause I can't shoot to save my life.
  24. James Hawke

    MMORPG no. of player

    Imma go with Applejaxc on this one. The map is not too big for 40 people. Even if you had twice that on a server you'd just find more people playing Deathmatch in Berezino and there'd still be nobody roaming the countryside except a select few.
  25. James Hawke

    What's your favorite weapon?

    I would swap pretty much any weapon for a Camo Mosin with an LRS and some ammo. If I can't find one, an SKS is the next best thing, preferably with a PU-Scope (as long as it's not damaged). As a sidearm I prefer the Magnum, as it doesn't require the frustrating search for magazines and .357 is more or less plentiful...Though that seems to have changed. Melee - Fireaxe of course. Why? Obviously because most anything that isn't an axe is useless junk and the Fireaxe looks more badass than the splitting axe.