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About JudgeR

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Gaming, Gaming and Football.
  1. Hi guys, Sorry for my late response I am currently on vacation. If you guys are interested then please join the server and look out for any [2ndIC] players and tell them I sent you. TS3 is a must for any new member so please make sure you have it installed. Respect must be shown to all players on the server, any smack talking or use of side chat (which is not allowed) will result in you being removed from the clan and most likely the server. What are your IGN's? Search servers for US 203 The Friend Zone.
  2. We had a problem about a month ago with DayZ.st. After they moved server locations our server went down and didn't come back for 7 days. 7. Days. Repeated emails, Twitter posts and IRC chats later. Nothing. Not 1 response to anything. Then after 7 days finally a message back! Restore your PBO file to default. It worked! Brilliant! But why on gods earth did it take 7 days for anyone to respond with something like that? I will never know! Awful service from DayZ.st.
  3. I'm interested in playing! I have a 25 slot server I can bring to the group as well if someone can help with set up? contact me via email or skype - judgereiiik@hotmail.com
  4. JudgeR


    I'm very interested in finding a new clan! Especially a UK/EU one as I live in Wales. I am new to DayZ but have picked it up quite quick. I also have a 25 slot server I can bring along if someone can help me with setting it up? Contact me via email judgereiiik@hotmail.com