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Soldier of Failure

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Everything posted by Soldier of Failure

  1. Soldier of Failure

    Ahhh.. Karma. Smells like Victory.

    Good job. Stuff like this would probably happen to me, but once I went on a killing spree in cherno with some clan friends. Karma is still getting me back for that :P
  2. Most of these would either have to be ported from the ACE mod, or made. But anyways, this in a zombie apocolypse. We need more civillian guns, its kind of stupid everyone and their children are running around with a AK or M4. And the Fallout weapons just wouldnt fit IMO
  3. Soldier of Failure

    My first kill

    My first kill that I made that wasnt needed was when I saw some guy coming at me on a bike. I took my makarov and unloaded the mag into his face. THem I stole his bike. I enjoyed this thoroughly
  4. He was probably a shitty script kiddie. DIdnt even know how to use em properly or something like that :P Enjoy his delicous loot.... while it lasts.
  5. Soldier of Failure

    can you wear a ghillie suit if you are a female?

    It does, thats why you see no female charctors :P
  6. Soldier of Failure

    Tips and Tricks for a new player?

    Some tips : Unless you just spawned it isnt worth trying to group up with anyone but trusted friends. They will usually shoot you in the back. Only raid cherrno/ electro if you just spawned. OTherwise its not worth the risk of DEATH. Dont use external maps that show loot spawns. It will ruin the fun of exploring D: Always watch deer stands for a minute before raiding them. That way you are sure as possible no one will get the jump on you. Also, deer stands have good loot. Check em out. When you just start barns are a good source of weapons. Take the winchester over the dinner bell (Lee Enfield) Always check your back to make sure no ones stalking you. Check the fourms some, therell be plenty of other good tips :D
  7. Soldier of Failure

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    I agree with the thought that zombies should be slower, but still move at a pace of a "jog" so you can outrun them, but they are not so slow that they are no threats.
  8. Soldier of Failure

    Blood Regeneration

    I think that is should work like this: If you are well fed and hydrated, you regenerate blood over time. HOWEVER, you do NOT get any blood directly from eating. Right now blood is really easy to get back unless you dont have matchs/knife, and those are quite common. The only instant way should be blood bags.
  9. Soldier of Failure

    Controls not saving

    Did you happen to change your profile? Controls are tied to your profile.
  10. Soldier of Failure


    Your right, your are not hacking. You are a script kiddie, which is like hacking, but easy to detect and way more common. Enjoy not playing dayZ! I know Im having fun, some good bean wars in cherno lately :D
  11. Soldier of Failure


    I love these so much. They ALWAYS have shitty grammar, they ALWAYS say they dont cheat. Battle eye only bans if you are using scripts. You "hacked" (even though Im insulting the real hackers out there) and deserve your ban. Enjoy spending another 30 bucks just to get banned again. Edit: Just read the part about the lawyer. Thats epic funny right there. Im sure you are scaring Rocket/ Battle eye right out of their socks! (sarcasm)
  12. Soldier of Failure

    Female Zombies!

    BUT THE FEMINISTS.... AND THE MEDIA! Screw them. Women and children zombies would be epic variety.
  13. Soldier of Failure

    Let people choose where on the coast they want to spawn

    I like this. Not sure how easy it would be to code, but in the end I bet it would be worth it.
  14. Soldier of Failure

    clan =18= is death dodging wusses

    Epic grammar I see. And why u no video. You could just be raging and lying. GIVE US THE VIDEO.
  15. Soldier of Failure


    No, DayZ is meant to be a zombie apoclypse. Something like this would be heading in a direction the game isnt meant to travel.
  16. Soldier of Failure


    DID YOUR KEYBOARD BREAK AND IS STUCK ON ALL CAPS LOCK LIKE ME BRO? THATS COOL. I think the short view distance is part of the atmosphere. I the viewdistance the way it is.
  17. Sure. Seems like a fine and realistic idea too me :D
  18. Soldier of Failure

    Night time

    I would play night time, but I usally get sniped by NVG wielding DMR asshats that camp around. Trust me when I say its hard to return fire on someone you can even see.
  19. Soldier of Failure

    Suggestion:Character Run Limit-Energy,Zombie Run Limit

    I think that the reason theres infinate stamina is it is simulating adrenline (failspell) that stuff can keep you running for some time. Though after enough time your charactor shoud just collapse. By then though you should of killed/lost the zombies.
  20. Soldier of Failure

    Surviving is to easy

    I agree with this. Though I think the only water source you should need to "clean" or boil should be water you get from a pond thats just been sitting there. Drinking taht stuff irl is bad news bears for you.
  21. Soldier of Failure

    Clamber function

    I dont think Arma 2's engine would approve of this, being on a vehicle would result in it eating you I bet. Also, imo there isnt much use of this. Theres no low roofs that you really need to climb on. And Im sure the infected could easily just climb onto the truck and EAT YOUR FACE D:
  22. Soldier of Failure

    Murder deterrent suggestion: Blood-on-hands

    Do some searching damnit. Theres a massive thread about deterring murder, and its 100x better than this. Go post in there.
  23. Soldier of Failure

    If you guys want realism....

    Dont want 3rd person? Try a sever on expert. US hardcores are quite nice. ^^ thats some damn magic right there.
  24. Soldier of Failure

    Give 3DP Off a Try

    I use TrackIR, and thus first person is really epic. I look left irl, and then my charactor looks left and I see that hacker with a Bradley about to run me over... AMAZING! People should get TrackIR 5, it costs a pretty penny but is well worth it.