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Soldier of Failure

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Everything posted by Soldier of Failure

  1. Amazing thread. I approve of this. Also, sempifer, Im willing to bet your "girlfriend" is just a blowup doll. Hate to burst your bubble, but blowup dolls are NOT people.
  2. Soldier of Failure

    Im quite happy right now.

    I just was fiddling with a tent, and it ended up pitching, more or less, INSIDE of a tree, making nearly impossible to spot. The best part though, is the fact you have to look at a very certain area, thats probably a bit more than a pixel, to actully get into its contents. Because of this, should anyone actully find my tent, they shall hopefully give up on trying to get inside it. Horray. (Note, zero fucks need to be given too me, Im just happeh :cool: ) Also, I just found a ghille suit. HORRAY
  3. I like this a lot. It makes sense too, if a zombie can smell a corpse he will probably go "MEALTIME :D" and start a chargin'.
  4. A Huey filled with MK 48 tottin badasses landed in the middle of cherno while mowing down countless newbs and zombies, while under a hail of DMR fire from the hills picked up the beans and then flew off. Right as they were about to enter the sunset someone hit them with an AT4 and sent the chopper crashing into a mountain. Everyone then rushed it in a attempt to claim those beans. It was a mexican mowdown. People where trying to murder eachother with crowbars, some just picked off all of the helples sones who had been knocked it. Others rushed the crashsite, and were promptly axed. After many hours of fighting, one man, armed with the Lerroy Enfield, mangaged to zig zag between bullets and get to the site. There he took the beans, and instead of disconnecting, he made a run for it. Shooting 3 snipers and 5 hatchetmen, he escaped with thoes beans. No one has found him too this day.
  5. Im wondering if this is possible. Right now, you can fit a M107 in your backpack and it will take up the same amount of space as a MP5. I do not approve of this. I think it should be changed so the M107 takes up, lets just say 20 spaces and the Mp5 will take up 8 or so, as its just a enlarged pistol. The AKM could take up 12 spaces perhaps, thus this would give you a reason to take the MP5 over the AKM as a backup primary, it shall save you 4 slots. This would apply to pistols also. The makarov could take 3 or 4, and the PDW would take 6. The others would probably take 5, as they are about the same size. See where Im going with this? I know that ACE mod as something like this, except instead of slots theres a certain amount of space (like 20,000 cc or something like that) and the weapons take up different space. So this addition should be possible for DayZ. Remember, all the numbers are put here as "placeholders" they aint set in stone. Note : Im reposting this because the other thread got no replies, and I cried for 430 days :<
  6. Soldier of Failure

    Limit vehicle saving to 1 per player

    I think hes more or less talking about the people that drive /fly off the map for a while and set up camp. Finding those on foot just aint worth it D:
  7. Soldier of Failure


    As others have said, bandit skins should be findable. Not forced.
  8. Soldier of Failure

    assault rifle VS pistol

    LOLgrammar. OT : Perhaps you missed. Perhaps they got headshots. Perhaps you need to try out the AKM. People do die from a few shots all the time when Im shooting, so there be nothin wrong with the guns. Go into editor, set up some targets and practice shooting.
  9. Soldier of Failure

    Crawled all of the way from Elektro to Cherno

    Why did you bother to crawl that far and not just repspawn? seems silly too me.
  10. Soldier of Failure

    Hello everybody!

    For weapon / ammo drop, you find that stuff everywhere. IF you know where to look, you can always have a good primary and secondary in 30 min game time. Look in the survivor HQ fourm for groups/clans Theres already a few british weapons. That assault rifle with NV scope, and the AS50 Welcome to these here fourms. There may be some asshats, but most of us are quit nice :)
  11. Soldier of Failure

    A way to have different weapons take up different amounts of space?

    You have a good point. Being able to carry something would be great. I hate shoving an engine, fulltank and tires in my pack.
  12. Soldier of Failure

    Zombie spawn distance?

    Eh, my guess is something around 300 metersish. Thast just a very rough estimate. Someone will probably come along and make me look like a idiot. I care not.
  13. Soldier of Failure

    Recruitement Forum

    Survivor HQ serves that function. GET IN THERE. :D
  14. Soldier of Failure

    Why aren't bandits ALWAYS bandits?

    *bandit dies* *is new charactor* *somehow still bandit* When you die, that charactor dies. You should not be a bandit in your next lifel.
  15. Soldier of Failure

    Backpack in a backpack?

  16. Ive had this happen before. I think I just re-installed Arma 2. Might want to wait and see if theres any other ways to fix it before going down that route though.
  17. Soldier of Failure

    Can more melee weapons be added?

    Hatchets are one hit kills, and are the most common thing in the game IMO. I dont think we really need more melee weapons. Unless we could find smaller ones that would fill a seperate melee slot, for quite takedowns without needing to get rid of your primary, that would be nice.
  18. Soldier of Failure

    Alcohol and bad habbits

    I could see Alcohol working. Though just being away from people wouldnt make a person so depressed that they dont run as fast ect. Smoking just isnt needed. I doubt anyones starved to death other than when food spawns were bugged. Besides, we dont need to remind people that are trying to quite smoking how bad they want one
  19. Soldier of Failure

    Ridding the coast of griefers with benefits to bandits... Also, Zombies.

    As a famous man once said :
  20. Soldier of Failure

    Question?: Ammo Crafting & Shotgun ammo types

    The winchester uses a differnt sized shell than the DB shotgun. I think those slugs just wouldnt fit.
  21. Soldier of Failure

    blocked by doorways

    Just try to look straight at the wall as your passint through the door, and if you get stuck wigle around some.
  22. Soldier of Failure

    Bought ArmA 2 just for this mod!

    Good job. Dont become one of the many annoying people that complain about no weapon at start and you shall fit in :D
  23. Soldier of Failure

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Starting with a crowbar...... Have you used that thing? It hits like a makarov. Expect I dont think you can get headshots. ITs fairly useless. If you fight a zombie with it theres a good chance he will make you bleed like a stuck pig or break dem legs.
  24. Soldier of Failure

    What do you think?

    I think Rocket said he was going to change the melee system. The current version is more or less a test to see if it could even work as far as I know.
  25. Soldier of Failure

    server hopping solution

    Fix sever hopping: Horses. Add horses to the game. srs. HORSES. SOME GOD DAMNED MOT-------- Im sorry for my outburst. Sever hopping makes me sad :<