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About shrykull

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    Jank Town
  1. shrykull

    Fix for position LOGGERS

    It should be 15 minutes before they can return to the same server the first time... 30 seconds isnt going to stop them from being able to reposition behind someone and kill them. It could be five minutes before I realise that they have logged out...
  2. I was playing dayz today and I was sniping from a house I heard foot steps down stairs beneath me so I moved to cover the door, I saw the door open and nothing happended. The player logged out... Suspicious I moved to the corner of the building and my firends who were near by came and watched the outside of the house but saw noone. But than someone came charging from behind me inside the house, and I unloaded my weapon into him. He had clearly logged out logged onto another server and than moved to position behind me and logged back in. This mechanic has also been abused in the dayz arma II mod. An easy and simple fix for this would be if you log out of a server and into another, you are not allowed to log back into the first server for atleast an hour based on your game key. This is a shoddy game tactic and should be fixed, abuse of the server hopping is a game breaking mechanic. the people who do this are no better than hackers they are just as shitty and lowlife as rapist and murderers and should be killed and removed from life on this planet.< Removed this after I had time to cool down. but seriously if people are allowed to do this than they will, something needs to be done to prevent this mechanic because it is NOT fair and its bogus.
  3. Yes this is a must! Move it to reddit!
  4. I want to be able to move positions in the back of a truck or be able to move freely inside of a bus to choose my firing positions, and I should be able to use my weapon out of a chopper as well.
  5. shrykull

    Campfire damage

    yeah this is just basic realism here, there are alot of improvements they can make with the physics of the game.
  6. shrykull


    Well alright Officer not so friendly!
  7. shrykull


    Sorry if this has already been suggested but I definitely do not have time to go through all of these threads, I think it would be cool if they added some kind of super zombie monster creature, that players would want to avoid at all costs if they don't have heavy weaponry. This would create some interesting events, like say some survivors are having a shoot out somewhere in elektro and this monsters hulks in and starts rampaging and theses survivors that were trying to kill each other for beans now have to cooperate to take down this monster or flee. This would also create a heightened sense of fear even for players lugging high end gear and plenty of ammunition. I know it sounds cliche but well placed cliches are good. Sorry for that wrong text
  8. shrykull

    The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

    I also think infected animal variants would be cool like infected bats at night that you have to shine your flashlight at to deter or classic infected dogs, things that pose a threat in the woods that are empty of zombies.
  9. How would I install this to my Dayz.ST server?? I would love to give this a try it sounds amazing
  10. shrykull

    The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

    I think Grappling with zombies would be cool. Zombie grabs you, you have to fight him off and Jab your knife up through the bottom of his chin. Also the more weapon models the better, I love all the various weapons in the game variety is the spice of life.
  11. However: I can only restore equipement when I am not at work so only in the evening after 7p.m. (MN time) or when you see Shrykull log in, I will also be looking for other players to Admin when I'm not available.
  12. I run a server through DayZ.ST its a private hive server because I have installed rmod (Only for weapons and a few hidden military vehicles, mostly Humvee variants, for survivors to find). I admin the server myself very relaxed, but I'm looking for platers to play on my server who want to play dayz like a survival sim as intended. I manually place loot myself through my database and redid the loot tables for vehicles so if you find a vehicle your likely to find some other treasures aswell. Anyone interested please let me know it would be fun to have people to play with and talk to. you can find my server by searching shry in Dayz commander. I was also wondering if anyone can help me find out how to get my server on a Day/night cycle by smaller than 12hrs. And on another note: I will reward dedicated players by restoring there equipement upon death as far as the weapon, backpack, and side arm they have.
  13. shrykull

    Hero skin????

    Okay thats kind of lame but thank you.
  14. shrykull

    Hero skin????

    the run speed, half damage from zombies , and immunity to low caliber weapons. yeah I'm wondering if the benifits are from the skin itself or from having 5000+ humanity.
  15. shrykull

    Hero skin????

    So if you get the hero skin, and put on a ghillie suite, will you still recieve the benefits of being a hero??