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About Joji

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Joji

    New DayZ Map Idea?

    Would love to see a Silent Hill themed map, for those of you who are familiar with that. I know fog is thick there, it should be depending on weather cycle, but higher chance of fog than normal. Yeah, Pennsylvania or Colorado map would be a nice addition, but a WarZ replica map is not wanted at all on my part.
  2. Joji

    Humanity and groups in DayZ

    Nah, I was merely quoting you to forward the discussion further with my own opinion. Sorry if it seemed that way. And I agree with the humanity system in DayZ mod to be flawed, if there is a way to make it work into the standalone, i'm glad. If the devs decide it is not gonna be implemented, I'm also fine with that.
  3. Joji

    Humanity and groups in DayZ

    But you did say something about the ghillie suits. What is with the hostility? I responded to this: If there is something you feel I oversaw or ignored, please feel free to elaborate.
  4. Joji

    Humanity and groups in DayZ

    Well, when it comes down to ghillie suits, The purpose of these is max camo, so having remarkably different suits would defeat its purpose. There would be a favourite suit people in general would prefer. It is a difficult thing to adjust, that's for sure. If nothing else, having different textures on the backpack could be the solution. A subtle difference between hero and bandit would be nice. If we aim for realistic feel of DayZ standalone, I think there is certain aspects we cannot replicate into a game, like body language and facial expressions, things that we humans read as aggresive or passive. Not yet anyways. To compensate that, humanity and skin was introduced. I believe it is somewhat important to have in the standalone, but by all means, if there are other ways to make this work. I'm all for it.
  5. Joji

    Humanity and groups in DayZ

    I thought of this before posting and was foreseeing the possibility that it could damage the bandits. However, it could maybe be possible that the devs can work around it so once you have become a bandit, defending your bandit friends will affect it the opposite way. Humanity is kind of important in DayZ in regards to having a slight understanding of how wary you should be if you spot another player out in the fields. I can also understand why some people want it gone, but the best solution in my opinion is to keep the humanity system and try to work out a better system for it. Becoming a bandit is the easy part, surviving as bandit should be worse, and that is the purpose of humanity and the skin that follows, it adds balance and that gives it all an edge when you make your decision "Do I dare to kill that player?" Just food for thought.
  6. I don't know if there will be an option to form a group in DayZ Standalone with friends. In DayZ mod whenever you travel with your friends and one of your mates get shot at, let's say he is in such a position he cannot answer the attack, you end up being punished if you defend your friend if you are able to kill the attacker. This in regard to the humanity points. With a grouping system in place, it would be fair that you gain points to humanity by defending the friends you get in group with when they get shot at. Something I really would like to see added.to the standalone. I would like to apologize in advance if this has been suggested before.
  7. Thank you, my intention of suggesting eucalyptus honey worked then. I laughed myself when I wrote that.
  8. That's ok, If there is something to salvage from the suggestions that you find interesting, let me know.
  9. Hello. I'd like to start this with thanking the developers for putting the efforts into creating DayZ Standalone. You deserve to succeed with this game, and I'm sure the community will see to that. I have been looking at the videos you have put out and it looks like you are enjoying shaping this game. Here are some suggestions I'd like to see added into the game: *** I saw from the last video this month that you will have wrecked cars with loot in them, and that the doors and baggage in the back can be opened and closed. My suggestion is that you add a Crowbar as a necessity to open some of them. (If it is possible, make jammed/locked doors to appear at random so people don't learn which doors can be opened and which are not accessible. (The crowbar could be used to gain access to certain buildings as well with same random appearance of jammed/locked doors to make things more interesting. If you decide to make lockable doors in the game, the crowbar could be the counter measure to this. Entering a building other players have used as a base camp) *** Make crawling zombie animations and zombie models that have lost limbs, broken legs and so on. Should be a smaller % chance of these spawning. *** Killed zombies should have a small chance of giving certain loot, it should occur rarely and have small/little rewards, checking pockets for lighters/matches, snackbar etc. *** Make use of all the items previously used in DayZ mod (ARMA II) It adds to the immersion of this game, Even more items is preferable, like medics for certain types of injury/sickness like the original. Sneezing from a cold could attract zombies and you'd have to find a bottle of eucalyptus honey or something like that to get rid of the illness. Weapon arsenal should stay just about the same, but rifles should not be mainly military types, but weapons like hunting rifles/shotguns etc people more likely have in their homes. Of course if you get to a military station/building/area, these military type weapons should be more likely to spawn there. *** When you die, make zombies in certain radius of the deceased feed on the player. Animations of zombies tilting their head up and sniffing the air before running to the dead player adds to the immersion, and would look absolutely amazing. I'll add more in here if I get some more ideas, if someone else has a good idea or additional suggestions, I'll add it to the list. Later for now.