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About fannyboy89

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JSRS sound mod fully incorporated into the server! For those that wants JSRS come join!
  2. which feature are you talking about? For the lift/tow, scavenge, etc you find your mission's pbo and unpack it. Then follow the instructions on how to install each one since each ones are different. As for custom buildings/town, you could easily do that in your database, or use arma 2's built in 3d editor map and convert it to a 2d. Then merge your mission.sqf with the new one that you just made. repack the mission.pbo and upload. =] These are the main points, if you want a breakdown of how to actually do these then send me a pm. Although if you search around you'll find out how to.
  3. Edited the code to be able to scavenge even scrap metals from vehicles/choppers(VRotor, Avionics, Hull, Body) Also added siphoning fuel from vehicles. (Got to have a jerry can handy)
  4. Added scavenge fully working parts from vehicles and new loots at heli crash (spawn more frenquently as well)
  5. Balota, NWAF, and NEAF now have a better chance of looting for guns. Though It comes with a risk. There are now more zombies and maybe other survivors guarding it.
  6. This server still rocks. Day/Night cycle with full moon all night. Don't really need a NVG. Still plenty of cars to find and choppers as well.
  7. Awesome server. Admins on just about 24/7. Only one hacker thus far and was taken care of right away. Been playing for awhile now. Hacker-free.