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PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

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Everything posted by PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

  1. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    Just wondering how many other DayZ players play without clothes. Nothing beats sniping in Cherno or Electro naked. Or running through the Old Fields with nothing but your headset on. Or perhaps driving the party bus..in the nude. Maybe a nice stroll through the Berezino convenience store? How many of you out there are just like me?
  2. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Made a tutorial for anyone that doesn't understand how to download it. Enjoy! http://www.tacticalgamer.com/dayz/189223-dayz-namalsk-released-first-map-supported-dayz-team.html
  3. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Which shooters did you play before Dayz

  4. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    I got a L115A3 in NWAF, never seen it before.

    Why is the humanity missing from your debug? I'm calling fake screenshots.
  5. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

  6. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    Posting this naked right now. JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
  7. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    Just for you, buddy.
  8. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    Woah there, partner. Who said anything about this thread being locked? There's nothing wrong with some genuine questions about people's playstyles.
  9. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Rocket Seriously

  10. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Macro... How??

    I'll make the macros for you if you first PayPal me 20 USD.
  11. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Macro... How??

    And I suppose you want us to wipe your ass too?
  12. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    A request of Rocket...

    I'm pretty sure he would have to roll out a new mission for all of the servers if he were to delete the dead soldiers. SO IT TOTALLY ISN'T WORTH IT.
  13. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    Glad someone went in and ruined their fun. 3 beans to you Nick.
  14. This is a TacticalGamer server feedback thread from Project Reality, a mod focusing on teamwork and tactics for BF2. Notice there are A LOT of people that loved the TG community, but there are always a few bad apples. http://www.realitymo...th-america.html And also this fan made video:
  15. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Hi, I've been playing the mod since early April, and have been playing mostly alone. My playstyle is quite unique, but the benefits are more than most think. I like to sit in bushes or trees in the Northern parts of the map (above Devil's Castle) to be particular. I wait for someone to come by me (always within 50m) because anything further away is too much of a gamble. I like to use an M14 AIM to shoot my victims. I won't shoot unless it's a guaranteed headshot and the viewdistance is less than 300m (just in case they have a buddy over watching them as they pass my tree). I also play on low population servers, just in case a hacker comes in. My typical play time is sitting in one tree for about 5 hours on end. This takes a whole backpack full of food and water. I spend another hour after that building up my water and food supply. I usually score about 100 kills before I die. So, I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in my humble endeavors. You would be sitting in another tree/bush no closer than 500m from me. I have purchased a 500 slot teamspeak server just in case I get a large enough response to this call. I will reveal the IP to you in a PM if need be. If this isn't your version of fun, then you can continue your pointless vehicle fixing, helicopter flying, and Cherno-deathmatching while I rack up kills at an average of .235/Hr. Sincerely, PricelineNegotiator
  16. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    War Z will be infinitely better than Day Z

    Alright, analyzing the screenshot I notice several things: It's geared more towards COD kiddies, which is pretty good since we can get all the STUPID people out of the community. Evidence: -Beta mags for the SCAR, where in the hell would you even find those, let alone in a zombie apocalypse? -150m view distance..seriously? Who wants to play in that shit? -Shitty graphics, no wonder it can run on any computer -Grass is unrealistic. Grass growing in the road takes months, then how in the hell is the grass on the side of the building the same height? Shitty mapping. Grass should be at least a foot high. Also low quality grass. -Unrealistic scaling. Mountain right next to the town. No one would build their town there because of the runoff. -Guy holds the gun like a chump. No one that knows how to handle a gun in real life would be caught dead doing that. Lacking attention to detail. Map is altogether rushed and looks like shit. Ruins immersion - something COD kiddies hate. I bet it will be less than 10 x 10 km.
  17. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Dude, I don't need a tent and I already have ghillie. I'm a self sufficient killing machine.
  18. We cooked some Elliot the Black earlier. Tasted like a whole load of bullcrap. Then again, what should I have expected?
  19. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Quadruple bump.
  20. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Triple bump.
  21. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Bump again.
  22. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    Looking for a Group to Play With

    Bump, need some buds to play with!
  23. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)


    Nothing here you guys haven't already seen. Move along, please.
  24. PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

    In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

    Haha, I'll bite. In regards to the "Manliest Brony", why don't you post a couple pictures of yourself; Let us know what we are dealing with. Report me? Are you kidding? Where in my post did I do something worthy of a warning? I simply said that if you changed your lifestyle to that of a more normal person, you would probably regret the time you spent as a brony. Nothing more than stating that you may be wasting your potential watching My Little Pony. It's OK for my 8 year old cousin, but not for an 18+ male. It's called a reality check. However, if you keep trolling, I will report you.