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TSquared (DayZ)

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About TSquared (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. when do u get on the ts and how do i communicate with you?
  2. Age:16 Can you speak English:Yes Steam Name: TSquared Country of Residence:Luxembourg How long have been playing DayZ: Since July Do you have any military experience: Unfortunately not Why do you want to join the Red Devil Company: I've stumbled across many clans but none that were serious enough or constant , i saw yours and by the looks of it you look like a pretty good,serious and organised clan. What can you bring to the clan: A dedicated mature highly good player which adapts fast. I have a very good knowledge over the game and that will contribute fully in the clan ,help fellow members by giving gear and whichever way possible and help in the growth of the clan.I also have experience from many clans, minor and major.
  3. TSquared (DayZ)

    In Need of a Team! Join Up! You Will be Treated Fairly!

    Sounds pretty good im interested.
  4. Name: Tatian Age:16 TeamSpeak Name: TSquared Mic?:Yes Why do you want to join?:I've stumbled across many clans but none that were serious enough or constant , i saw yours and by the looks of it you look like a pretty good,serious and organised clan with pretty nice people. Experience in game:1 year Timezone:GMT +1 Bio: In game Name: I m from Cyprus but i live in France i m a very friendly guy , i get on with almost everyone and i have a base respect for everyone until they prove me wrong. I do all sorts of sports like ,mountain biking ,paintball, football e.t.c. In my free time i m always on my pc which is about 3 hours a day in working days in which i have school.
  5. TSquared (DayZ)

    Eternal Overwatch Recruiting

    It wont let me apply it says "This module is not available"