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evergreen (DayZ)

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About evergreen (DayZ)

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  1. fucking rocket. same shit with every new patch yeah, yeah... it's an alpha, kids...
  2. Sodajones = Symbolized. I have an advice for u, as a sniper. Must have weapon to check what's happening around u - L85 RIS CWS with thermal optics. U don't need ammo for it, use it only for finding who's hiding in trees.
  3. I'm sniped there for a little... Yes, the tents has been destroyed. But I killed there 2 peoples: miltank and Symbolized. miltank has a little coyote backpack, flashlight and... guess what? NV and GPS.
  4. same on eu11, lost 2 cars.
  5. evergreen (DayZ)


    Still can't repair a heli. HULL remains how it was, no matter how many times you try to repair it. And still fuel leak because of a damaged HULL, i think...