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Everything posted by OutLord

  1. OutLord

    Me, My bike and the tents you own.

    Firstly you say you are destroying "server hoppers" kit and then you say "I have bycicles on many servers" which obviously makes you a server hopper as well. secondly destroying a vehicle only takes it out of the game for 3 or 4 days until it respawns in the same location you destroyed it but with no fuel. that IMO definitely makes you a "DoucheBag"
  2. OutLord

    1Murder = best items

    This game should be called DTA instead of DayZ. As in Dont Trust Anyone.
  3. OutLord

    Map Security

    I'd like to know how safe it is to use the map for your own reference. For instance, if I put markers down in Vehicle channel, is itpossible for anyone else to see them with a hack or bugs? If so, whats the best way to make map markers that no one else will see?
  4. OutLord

    willing to trade a 2 m4a1 cco sd

    After 3 days of searching I found a DMR in a barracks this morning :-))
  5. OutLord

    Removing Wire

    Currently removing wire with a toolkit can sometimes be impossible. The selectable area for the option needs to be wider so that if the middlw picket is in a wall you can still select it.
  6. OutLord

    Unflip Vehicle

    I know this is an option in other mods of Arma and would be a good feature imo. Maybe you have to have a toolkit to allow it?
  7. OutLord

    Is duping officially allowed?

    I find myself duping because everyone else on the teamspeaks I visit are. I dont see why I should be at a disadvantage to at least 50% of the other players on servers. Im not hacking, but I am exploiting a weakness in Arma. IMO this issue needs to be at the top of the list and I will be very glad to see it gone for good. Also on that day all player's kits and loot should be deleted and we all start again. I like the idea of every useful item having a unique serial number. How much resources thit would take, I have no Idea, but it sure would be hard to beat.
  8. OutLord

    Spawning unconscious

    I am getting this bug too Thought it was server related SO I connected to another server, still spawning unconscious. Full blood water food.
  9. Remove 3rd Person view. Snipers on roofs, looking through windows in "out of body mode" ruins realism. All kit stays in the server in which you spawned. Change servers and start again. If you havent lost your life and return to the first server, you get you kit back. Server surfing is rampant and a joke. As is "Chicken Quitting". If someone presses quit and hasnt died, they should be forced to stay where they are for at least 30 seconds before disappearing. If you kill 50 Zombies in a town with an AK, Surely at least a few minutes without more spawning is deserved. As it is now, we have no choice but to quit and rejoin.
  10. OutLord

    CROSSBOWS - Your opinion?

    Crossbows, as they are in the game currently are as attractive to pick up as tin cans.