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Everything posted by OutLord

  1. If a player leaves one server and joins another, he spawns in a different, random location. If he exits the server and returns to the same server he comes back to the same place. This would also create a strong incentive for players not to ALT-F4
  2. OutLord

    stop the script kiddies

    Because hacking has become so prevalent, we've decided to only run the Glovine AU4 server when there is an admin also playing. that admin has the server on a second monitor and the second there's hacking the server is closed, logs are saved to be studied and when the server comes back up everone is where they are supposed to be because there was no time for plotting info to be written to the hive. Its unfortunate that it has to be this way.
  3. I would like to see other players' Murders and Bandit kills in game. How many zombies killed doesnt mean alot.
  4. I cant see a good reason why we have to wait days for the only chopper to respawn. Why not make it respawn immediately in a new location after somene crashes it? some bozo crashed the chopper during the week, I never even saw or heard it. Now its not availalble for the whole weekend wtf? All the hype about choppers back in game but only for a few minutes.
  5. OutLord

    unban request - Nick

    Buy a new copy of ArmA and all will be forgiven
  6. OutLord

    Immediate Respawn for Helicopter

    1 Chopper per server IS rare. No chopper all weekend for those that can only play then, is "Non Existent"
  7. OutLord

    Catching thunderdome

    havent you got anything better to do than troll?
  8. These are the GUID's of players found hacking on our DayZ server. I suggest others add these to there ban.txt files as well 650f0b56a6a3a2280c1ae8f979862368 ee373d9bdcd5ed730af02674edfdb8f6 2b233c4b6a83b1bed18e99bb5eac854e f254ce8de33c5d6fb4c8189a58afcfa3 cbbe3c8c3fc10395e798abce0b95dc63
  9. OutLord


    "Hope your family dies in fires....lol" cruel, but classic
  10. quote: Rocket In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. Im assuming hacking is also included here. On our server weve manage to catch 3 in the last 2 nights.
  11. Your in a supermarket with a trolley full of baked beans, coke and matches
  12. OutLord

    Pending Update: Build

    I dont know if its been mentioned but there are some bugs with behicles. The Hilux, Pushbike and Ural all instantly repair themselves after an accident if you just get out, and jump back in the vehicle. A couple of questions Rocket if I may.. The duping of gear through the save / dont save exploit through tents and vehicles is getting quite ridiculous. Everyone whos played for a week or more know how to do it and do. Is this something high on the genda to fix? Example. Fill a car with your favourite gear, save it then empty it again. As long as you dont save the vahicle again, the next server restart will have it fiull of gear. Next major problem is if a vehicle blos up, it will be fully repaired after server restart in the location it was destroyed.
  13. OutLord

    Found some C4. New favorite 'weapon'? lol.

    I didnt know a scoped SAW was in the game either?
  14. IMO whilst helicopters have all seeing radar, they are better out of the game. If this can be disabled then I'd be all for them.
  15. Glovine's AU4 Server updated.
  16. No its not safe, You'll get you ghillies suit, sure . but you'll lose you score. the next time you join you'll get your previous score back and no ghillie suit once again. Put on another ghillie suit and the same thing happens again, no score gone and you'll start back where you were the first time. How hard is it to test these things and make sure they work first?!?!?!?
  17. Be sure to start your game through 6 Launcher.
  18. OutLord

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    What Should I do Rocket!?!? I've been caught up in the new patch glitches. Firstly, I noticed my ghillie suit was missing and thought, no problem have a spre in my ural. Put it on and lost all my gear. Had a Camo suit in the truck, this time I took all items of my person and put in the truck. jumped out and put on Camo Suit. Same deal spwaned for about a miniute swimming in the ground and when replaced back to original position lost my camo suit. Jumped back in the truck and whilst im thinking of what to do next the server goes down. as in, no message recived for 90 seconds. As far as I can tell,its still down. I have been trying to join a different server so I can move away from the truck position to avoid spawning under it breaking all my bones when I do rejoin. However the last 3 servers I've tried to connect to are all leaving me at the "Loading" screen permenently. Here is my question, Sgould I continue to try and retrieve my truck and gear thats left in it or just wait until the rollback I saw a post about? If I wait for the roll back what, if anything will I lose and where will my truck be? tia
  19. OutLord

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    I updated to 1.7.2 and lost my Ghllie suit. Fortunately, or so I thought I had another in my ural. When I put it on, it warped me under the sea for a quarter second then back to my truck. Still no ghillie suit and ALL of my kit vanished? Im curious to know how it takes 3 weeks to release this major patch and the very first thing I do is bugged!?!?!?
  20. Lots of food, water and head to north of map. then sweep east and west looking for others' loot and vehicles.
  21. OutLord

    Five lives, five lessons

    Good read, thanks. Next time when fist starting out, make a bee line for shops and fire stations. Its easy to lose Zeds around corners and through buildings. as soon as youve got food and fluids, head north and lott gets better quickly.
  22. I'm starting to get over Zombies too. they are so, so predictable now. Maybe if Zombies were replaced with Mercinaries or AI villagers trying to defend their property to mix things up a bit. Dogs with Rabies would be cool too.