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Posts posted by rajkosto

  1. Obviously both ? I didn't care to see what the other servers do (because mine was the first, even though it was not put up for download by anyone), but afaicr antirocket is just a hex edited "official" hiveext.dll, while Bliss is some C# thing with a completely different database layout.

    Mine behaves completely to spec as how the "official" one does, and it has features which i thought were useful while i was running my server, and some features other people have requested.

  2. I made a replacement hive access dll back in the 1.6 days (intended to be a replacement for the imho badly done "official" hive access dll), and have been sitting on it (well, i shared it with about 7 people) untill now, and after it's been obvious that it won't be used as official ever (following the whole standalone business), I decided to strip it down, and release it as opensource to the community, so that anyone can run a private (or official) server however they want, with an improved hive access dll.

    As far as I know, I was the first guy to run a private hive server (maybe you remember EU-BIGBO and EU-1337), first on a hacked up "official" dll, but very soon after that I made my own, and this is the result.

    So go check it out at https://github.com/rajkosto/hive , precompiled binaries can be found in the Downloads section there (https://github.com/rajkosto/hive/downloads), if you don't want to compile yourself. Make sure to read the README (skip the compiling section if you downloaded it, ofc) fully, and the example HiveExt.ini to know what you need to set up.

    If you like my work, and would like to send me some cash for a beer, just go here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Q7ZJKYLCR5XMS

    Thanks, and good luck with your DayZ server hosting !

  3. Tommy, i know you're all mad about your ban, and you weren't really using any hacks/scripts, just an exploit in dayz to respawn yourself where you died, so i'll maybe unban you once that is fixed.

    It's pointless to spam these threads with just verbal accusations though, or videos that don't show any names.

    You exploited/glitched and you even admitted to it, it's sad how people like that can rally other clueless noobs into believing them, and hating the people who have to waste their time looking at logs in order to make sure that theres no hackers on the server.

  4. This thread was supposed to be for reporting cheats, not peddling your weird circumstantial evidence and spreading hatred towards server admins.

    In any case, i have a right to keep hackers off my server, while you, as a player, are supposed to NOT use them.

    Hint: I don't even play the game anymore, unless someone reports a cheater, in which case i have to find them and kill them to see their name to scrub the logs with.

    i will unban your friend, NEMESIS, because he wasn't the one actually using hacks/scripts, but you will remain banned because you're in the scripts.log

    Liking the admin when he bans OTHER hackers, but when he tracks YOU down and bans YOU, you suddenly stop liking him ? Kind of a dick move.

  5. 28.06.2012 00:46:26: {SEALs} Charlie Sheen (XXXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 _heli = "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicleLocal (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf
    28.06.2012 00:46:26: {SEALs} Charlie Sheen (XXXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0; _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","M136","Remington870_lamp","SVD_CAMO","M4A3_CCO

    This guy has been hacking for quite some time, even under different names:

    26.06.2012 06:18:56: Strelok (XXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #41 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
    26.06.2012 06:18:56: Strelok (XXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #44 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
    26.06.2012 06:18:56: Strelok (XXXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 _heli = "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicleLocal (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf
    26.06.2012 06:18:56: Strelok (XXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 _heli = "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicleLocal (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf
    26.06.2012 06:18:56: Strelok (XXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0; _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","M136","Remington870_lamp","SVD_CAMO","M4A3_CCO

    They built a huge maze of sandbags and wire, and tents, filled with goodies on an island using this

    They were also able to kill me by teleporting me 30m above them (i assume above them, because i was on a completely diff place than where i was)

    It's sad because it took me 2hrs to actually kill one of them, so i could get the name, after the 30m tele happened. After that i just scrubbed scripts.log for their name, and there it was.

    The admins really should get better monitoring tools to combat cheating, the cheaters have a huge advantage as it is :( They can dominate the whole server for days without us knowing.


    Here's more people using the same hack on my server (same detection text).

    28.06.2012 18:19:06: [OmskoeTV] SAN4ez  (XXXXX:15760) 396efe4c5bbf4eb56e10cb91f0429a36 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD

    29.06.2012 02:35:52: Заур (XXXXXXXX:2304) add3c8984cca32957157bc998fe4f075 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD

    28.06.2012 02:11:26: Kalle (XXXXX:2304) fb46cbc9ae88403bc3ce5f7df281f13c - #132 go.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_S

    28.06.2012 11:42:04: AMD (XXXXXX:2304) bceeb53168283b66ef54f9fd3af3e10a - #132 go.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_S

    28.06.2012 21:30:49: [=D]Barric (XXXXXXXXX:2304) 988f975aa7f09a176d3f6b6d81f33c83 - #132 le ["ObjectID", 654654, true];

    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","G36_C_SD_eotech","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CC
    28.06.2012 21:31:24: [=D]Barric (XXXXX:2304) 988f975aa7f09a176d3f6b6d81f33c83 - #132 ocation = (position player);
    _veh = "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehiclelocal (position player);
    _heli =

    28.06.2012 23:39:15: Sgt.Michub ( 416b3b6bf7da2914895ecd1c4551e7e3 - #44 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\Scripts\start.sqf";

    28.06.2012 23:39:17: Sgt.Michub (XXXXX:2304) 416b3b6bf7da2914895ecd1c4551e7e3 - #30 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i);
    marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,pos];
    marker setMarkerTypeLoca
    28.06.2012 23:39:17: Sgt.Michub (XXXXX:2304) 416b3b6bf7da2914895ecd1c4551e7e3 - #31 marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    marker setMarkerPosLocal (pos);
    marker setMarkerColorLocal("Col
    28.06.2012 23:39:17: Sgt.Michub (XXXXX:2304) 416b3b6bf7da2914895ecd1c4551e7e3 - #132 s"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["m107_TWS_EP1","M40A3","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","BAF

    29.06.2012 00:18:44: [SKD]Applejack:33 (XXXXX:2304) 322af1f21b6092235322e49a8d229d00 - #44 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM '\XXXXXX1\METICNS.sqf'
    29.06.2012 00:18:44: [SKD]Applejack:33 (XXXXX:2304) 322af1f21b6092235322e49a8d229d00 - #30 marker = "playerMarker" + (str i);
    marker = createMarkerLocal [marker,pos];
    marker setMarkerTypeLoca
    29.06.2012 00:18:44: [SKD]Applejack:33 (XXXXX:2304) 322af1f21b6092235322e49a8d229d00 - #31 marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
    marker setMarkerPosLocal (pos);
    marker setMarkerColorLocal("Col
    29.06.2012 00:18:44: [SKD]Applejack:33 (XXXXX:2304) 322af1f21b6092235322e49a8d229d00 - #132 s"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["m107_TWS_EP1","M40A3","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD_camo","BAF

    29.06.2012 13:57:40: VronGArryShop (XXXXXX:2304) d3434a943909114be7c63613b3d40311 - #44 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\Scripts\ammo.sqf";
    29.06.2012 13:57:40: VronGArryShop (XXXXXXX:2304) d3434a943909114be7c63613b3d40311 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD

    29.06.2012 14:04:21: CTaJIuH (XXXXX:2304) 38f665a9b7ce57c07282d746716d5824 - #41 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\Scripts\ammo.sqf";
    29.06.2012 14:04:21: CTaJIuH (XXXXX:2304) 38f665a9b7ce57c07282d746716d5824 - #44 private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\Scripts\ammo.sqf";
    29.06.2012 14:04:22: CTaJIuH (XXXXX:2304) 38f665a9b7ce57c07282d746716d5824 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0;
    _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","Remington870_lamp","M4A3_CCO_EP1","M4A1_AIM_SD

  6. That was your base.

    You placed the radio onto the body, there's no use for it for me to have it.

    The line "yep, now i know who to ban" had YEP in it because i finally got you hackers.

    The code part in my reply is meaningful to server admins and tonic, who might add you to the global guid banlist.

    I actually didnt mean to play that long, except i found this island with a heli, with the structure of sandbags visible from the air, went to investigate, and some time after i did...i got teleported to the otmel hill 30m into the air, and died there. So i had to go back, and kill whoever was doing that, so i could see the name, and know who to ban.

    Getting back there by swimming took a damn long time. The only one doing the teleporting was you.

    The "plasma launcher" was just a HE grenade from a rifle, fired while i was prone.

    You got me too, i was left with 1.7k blood and bleeding and broken. But it didn't matter, because i finished my task of getting you hackers out.

  7. You are moving from there because i banned you.

    28.06.2012 00:46:26: {SEALs} Charlie Sheen (XXXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 _heli = "UH1H_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicleLocal (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf
    28.06.2012 00:46:26: {SEALs} Charlie Sheen (XXXXXX:2304) f12e69a7045b1ca2cac2e4f2ffa97ab0 - #132 o.sqf"
    _abox = _this select 0; _dayz_wep =["M14_EP1","M136","Remington870_lamp","SVD_CAMO","M4A3_CCO


    Enjoy your dayz-wide GUID ban soonish.

    cargo.sqf ? REALLY ?!

    that's also not even the right classname for the ALLOWED dayz huey.

  8. You can have the tag be completely right in regards to time on the server box itself

    However, the longer and longer the server runs, the less and less that timezone will be, since low fps on the server = time flows slower than realtime.

    So it's not really their fault, untill the server code is optimised.

  9. Maybe you should explain why your inventory in the db is only starting gear, while in-game on 5 times respawn you had a CCO and ALICE pack every time (even tho i hid all the bodies around there, also, how did you get to the same spot so quickly every time (<30sec)) ?

    offending players:

    [unit] Ash - 19629318

    [unit] Tommy - 20197830

    rpt log shows them loading in and disconnecting with only starting gear every time, can provide this if anyone cares
