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About GrannyJoana2

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  1. Please Join! We're trying to build an active community and we need your help! Search our ip in your arma 2:oa. We have active admins! UK Based! Map of Chernarus. Patch But will be updating in the nect couple days! PLEASE down date your server becuase were trying to get noticed! Tell me also about any bugs.
  2. GrannyJoana2

    I Really Need a M4A1 Holo

    Updated the post. Thanks for the feedback lads :D
  3. GrannyJoana2

    I Really Need a M4A1 Holo

    Public server latest patch. I live in the UK. Get back to me! Servers in specific: LU511 Im a regular survivor Im completely trustworthy and have been a hero in my past dayZ lives. I only use Skype for irl friends so unfortunately I'm not going to be communicating over headset. I have got: Ghillie Suit M9SD with mags Camo Clothing Mountain Dew (even though nobody will want that) (Possibly NVGs, will have to check my base tho first) (Possibly a Mk 48 Mod 0, will have to check base tho first)
  4. GrannyJoana2

    Need: M4A1 CCO SD or MP5SD6 (With Mags) Offer Me!

    Sounds good. Can you send me a PM with the server name and location?
  5. GrannyJoana2

    Need: M4A1 CCO SD or MP5SD6 (With Mags) Offer Me!

    I could find you a decent weapon. Im currently using an M4A1 CCO. I could find you a DMR with some mags. Please get back to me. EDIT: I could also find you a ghillie suit with no probs or camo clothing,
  6. GrannyJoana2

    Intensity's items for trade

    I shall trade a M9SD With a mag for MP5SD6. Pm if interested?
  7. GrannyJoana2

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Hey man, Im looking for an M4A1 CCO SD. PM me what you want off me. Thanks alot
  8. Hello! I am new to the dayz forums but I hope I can build up a friendly name! Am I looking for a M4A1 CCO SD WITHOUT MAGS or and MP5SD6 WITH MAGS! I am currently a hero in dayz. Offer me! -Joe