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Everything posted by sgtflex

  1. sgtflex

    No servers are showing up. Help!

    Heard that you should use DayZLauncher now, as it's more up to date than commander. Not sure if that's correct, but im trying to use the launcher atm to test
  2. sgtflex

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Can anyone confirm if private hive persistance has been fixed? I know there was some wanky shit happening a while ago, and I haven't seen any notes as of yet. I don't want to start again if everything will dissapear
  3. sgtflex

    0.54 Issues

    Severe FPS issues as of the latest stable patch. No matter how much I adjust my settings, I can't get my old standard FPS back. I dip below 10 frames on a regular basis now. I have no launch parameters and have verified the integrity of my cache. I understand that lowering settings helps, and I have and it still didn't help with the dips I was getting. But, I always see people that say to lower your settings, but that shouldn't be the matter. If there is a new patch and it's making your FPS dip and it didn't introduce a new graphical setting that was introduced by default, then clearly something went wrong. My hardware is a tad bit outdated, but it should be able to handle any game on high/medium settings (Granted, this is Alpha, so I don't expect a whole lot, but I at least expect to run the game above 10 frames) GTX 660 2GB VRAM i5 OC 4.0 ghz 8gb RAM
  4. I say this because I remember a few updates ago food became rather scarce, harder to come by, and actually proved a challenge. I know a lot of people had noticed this too, and actually liked it. I can't find said thread on it, but I know not everyone may agree. However, that being said, as of recent, food seems to spawn rather plentiful, especially for an apocalypse. I can go through a single house and come out with 5 cans of food. Note this is a regular house and only one, which means after a normal loot run through a town, I usually come out with a backpack full of food, able to sustain me for hours on end. We have all these shiny new farming methods, fishing methods, hunting methods etc, but no reason to use them as of right now. I kinda want food to go back to the way they were, and become more scarce. Besides, it usually opens up for something else to spawn there besides food since it seems to be all over the place. Anyone here agree?
  5. sgtflex

    Food spawn rates too high as of recent?

    Thing is, im not talking about hunting only. We have several other options to survive on food right now, such as apple trees and berries and such. Even with those 2 alone, that should be long enough to hold you off until you find a hatchet of some sort. You can start with hunting right off the bat by making an improvised knife, which will allow you to at least gather some food (Via Rabbit traps or other means). Once you find a hatchet or a splitting axe, you can cook whatever you have on you once you make a fire. Hunting isn't the only option. There's fishing, gathering, farming, etc.
  6. sgtflex

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    You're best off checking reddit.com/r/DayZ a bit after it's released to see what the community has gathered about what's in it so far.
  7. sgtflex

    Food spawn rates too high as of recent?

    I certainly know it's alpha and im not complaining at all. It's just my feedback on the spawnrate and hope it changes, as well as Survival for food/water and other things overall.
  8. sgtflex


    Usually to get the status you need Energized and Hydrated, but there's 2 different fades of green for it. There's a darker green, then there's the lighter green. You need the lighter green.
  9. sgtflex

    Video: Sometimes I'm too trusting

    Yeah, welcome to Standalone lol Those nervous twitches are usually a sign you should start running.
  10. sgtflex

    Newest update dried up weapons and items?

    Aren't heli crash sites still bugged and completely invisible? Or are they actually fixed now?
  11. sgtflex

    Plane Crashes?

    Personally, I think it should be a little bit less. Even though Chernarus is fairly large, geographically it's small compared to the rest of the world. I imagine that the amount of plane crashes sounds fine, but I think it should only be 1 commercial airliner per server, but it's guaranteed compared to Cargo Planes, which would be rare.
  12. I was trying to emphasize that people should enable -dologs to help narrow down the problem for the devs.
  13. Game CTD's after 30m of running. Very unstable atm, hopefully we get an update to fix the CTD's today or tomorrow. EDIT: Heads up for anyone who didn't read Vehicles first implementation "8. Crashes Client crashes can happen, and will happen. Be aware that you can run the client with the option of -dologs to create crash dumps that can be attached to feedback issues. If you do encounter them please report and give us as much information as you can. "
  14. sgtflex

    0.51 Ghillie Showcase

    Any noticeable difference at longer ranges? I know it's not incredibly hard to spot Ghillies far away with a scope in Arma 2
  15. sgtflex

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    US West servers are dropping like flies. At least US Southwest is, every 10-25 mins or so
  16. sgtflex

    Trello page

    I know that a lot of you that play Rust probably know there's a trello page for it. If you don't know what trello is, it's what helps people keep themselves organized and where you can assign people certain tasks and what they can do. It also helps because it allows the community to know what's to come, as well as what they have planned to do in the future. I think that it would help for other devs working on the game to know what to get done, as well as keep track of what to put in the future. You can also create private boards if you don't want the community knowing about suprises and such. This is what Rust's trello page looks like https://trello.com/b/lG8jtz6v/rust-main
  17. Either something is wrong here or im just a complete idiot >.< Everytime I try to use this updater, it tells me it's outdated, even after I hit install/update. I tried verifying the files and it said it was all good, but when I join the server it says something is wrong with dayz_code.pbo What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?