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About mlouden03

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  1. I thought I saw someone's flashlight at one of the airbases. I was searching bunkers, they began to search next to me. I went prone and hit for 10 minutes until I was sure he left xD
  2. mlouden03

    How NOT to pass out.

    I wish that the original icons were back to how they were before. It was alot easier to pay attention to blood/etc with the icons.
  3. I happened to find this server in Dayz commander, and I quite enjoy it. As a completely new player to Arma and Dayz, one of the staff helped pick me up in a heli when I was low on ammunition and took me to his base, where he helped explain some of the basics that I didn't pick up in youtube vids etc. He also got me a weapon and a vehicle. A day or so after that, another player let me have his old base as he apparently has a new/better one elsewhere. Overall: Very helpful and fun community, as I can actually play with/by other players and not be worried about being killed if I ever turn my back.. :)
  4. mlouden03

    Good Dayz US servers?

    I just want a good, semi popular server that is helpful to new players. I have dayz commander and am downloading all of the mods and such
  5. mlouden03

    How do I start Dayz?

    yay, I got it to open. Lower ping is better, right?
  6. mlouden03

    How do I start Dayz?

    ? will that fix my "serial code" problem?
  7. mlouden03

    How do I start Dayz?

    I got the Dayz Mod, Arma CO, all from steam. But I'm not seeing any Day Z related indicators on Arma Ii start page. It says "bad serial number given in setup". I'm unsure how to do it. I've tried clicking play on both Day Z itself and going through Arma II
  8. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    eh, I just decided to drop $25 on CO. I was expecting $30+ so worse comes to worse I'll have practice on the actual game before I get to play dayz lol
  9. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I got the arma 2 Demo to work on my 1.5 Ghz one I have now (which is my old one). And when I mentioned that, people back then (in may) told me that the demo Wasn't representative of the mod since the mod needs more etc etc. The Demo run fine as far as I could tell on the 1.5 lol I hope this doesnt come off as rude, but either you or them (the people I asked in may) were wrong about using the demo as a comparison xD
  10. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    So it might not even work at all, but pretty much the only way to figure it out would be to drop $25 on Combined ops and find out?
  11. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    How bad will it be if I have the one I listed? xD will it be Playable level or just so laggy its impossible?
  12. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Just wondering, how is it slow? Is it the 2.2 ghz? it's I7 so it's quad core, right?
  13. mlouden03

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Will this run Dayz? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314149 I asked my techie friend before and he said it should, but I want tomake sure it does
  14. random question about playability. some people are saying that my specs aren't good enough to play, but I got arma II free demo off steam and it works fine. is my 1.5 cpu so bad that it can run the demo but not Day Z? Graphics card(s)(GPU)(@**GB): Amd radeon ™ hd 6620G Central Processing Unit (CPU) (@**GHz): 1.5 Random Access Memory (RAM)(@**GB): 8 Power Supply(@***W): Harddrive(HDD)(@*** GB/Tb): 25.2 Free, can free more Solid-state Drive (SSD)(@**GB): Operating System (OS) (32/64 bit): 64
  15. mlouden03

    Traders and Traitors List

    I'm sorry if this is considered spam, but is there also a thread for reliable/friendly players to team with? Such as to choose a server and play together, and if they don't scam/pvp you they get a + rating and such?