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Everything posted by SystemiK

  1. SystemiK


    It's not that, I just don't like starving to death on a run from the South end of Berezino to the North end of Berezino. Good god, you simply can't carry enough beans to make that run in the fishing boat. :D
  2. SystemiK

    Does this look good for running DayZ?

    For the SAME price (See Edit), you can get the Caviar Black (newegg) instead of the Caviar Blue. For an extra $50 you can get the Caviar Black 1TB. The blue line is of decent quality, but the black line is faster and more reliable. I have had 2 1TB Blacks running for over a year now and absolutely no regrets. EDIT: Just noticed that the 500GB Caviar Black is on a shell shocker deal for today only ($30 off / reg $99) so the above is only true for a short time.
  3. SystemiK

    PC Specs Good Enough?

  4. SystemiK

    War Machine-Gaming

    War Machine-Gaming. Is it like a War Machine, that enjoys Gaming? Or is it just a War, and it's got a fully automatic Machine-Game that it shoots people with. I'm utterly confused here....
  5. SystemiK


    Don't even bother with anything besides the PBX. PBX is the SHIT, it's an amazing boat. The rest of the boats are, well...shit.
  6. Awesome. I found a DayZ ball cap online and I wear it pretty much everywhere I go. Still waiting for someone to recognize the logo but so far no dice...
  7. I guess I just don't respond well to demands from a complete stranger (in game or out of game). I'd be the guy turning around hoping for a lucky shot as caving in to a total strangers demands in a video game is simply not an option.
  8. Honestly, how many server admins do you think are gonna ban someone based on what you just posted? Come on man, you need to at least offer a bit more than word of mouth and a forum profile...
  9. If money is tight, a new GPU will definitely help (I'd be inclined to start there and see if it's enough). Knowing what model of motherboard and power supply you have would definitely help in choosing one (or if you are better off upgrading everything at once). The easiest way to determine this, if you have a pre-built retail system, would be to post the brand and model number of your PC. If it was custom built, you could always take off the side panel and look for the information on the MoBo and PSU (Both of those make and model numbers are easily visible through the side window of mine).
  10. SystemiK

    I'm Looking to increase my Humanity: Reward: Camo-Clothing

    My advice would be to just play the fucking game and let the outcome fall where it may. So you have found yourself in a situation where you have an unwanted scarf around your neck. Big deal, it's not the end of the world, some people are actually proud to wear it. Resorting to a post on the forums offering a "bribe" to someone who would be willing to help you exploit the game mechanic is not going to make you a "good person". It may help you lose the scarf but then again it will certainly mark you as a poser. That's all I'm saying. Play the game and deal with the consequences of your actions (warranted or not) what you are doing is cheating the game as it was intended to be played. Personally, I don't really give a shit, the game has far larger problems than this, but leave the morality of "Oh but I'm a good person" out of it. You want something here, and you are willing to cheat the game to get it. Simple as that.
  11. SystemiK

    I'm Looking to increase my Humanity: Reward: Camo-Clothing

    So naturally, your idea of "becoming a better person in DayZ" is to totally exploit the game mechanics...bravo. Your will to become a "better" person is commendable.
  12. SystemiK

    Hacker (Video) US 3091

    5 options here. - Start playing on low pop servers where you will exchange some of the fun and excitement of high pop for relatively lower incidents of hacking. - Start playing on white listed private hives but there will still be the odd hacker. (this is the obvious choice if you are still enjoying the game). - Stop playing and come back for standalone alpha in a few months. - Stop playing at all. - Deal with it. That's about it. Make your choice.
  13. Your 8600 GT is definitely the weakest link. You should consider yourself lucky to be playing the game at all. Without knowing what motherboard and power supply you have I won't even bother making a GPU recommendation. Please post the rest of your specs.
  14. SystemiK

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    You simply drive up near a fuel tank and it automatically refills your tanks. No need for jerry cans at all...
  15. SystemiK

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    I had a hell of a time getting Fallujah to load properly but once I used the Expansions tab at the main Arma 2 OA screen to rearrange the load order of my game / mod files it worked like a charm. This is what I see now in the upper right corner of my screen when the game first loads (in the rest of the screen you should just see ocean and the menu bar). Any other combination than these 4 items would not work for me. In the expansions tab at the main screen, you can select and un-select different modules. You can also use the "move up" and "move down" buttons to move the highlighted module in the list (this tells the game in which order you want modules to load). Some of the modules cannot be unselected, I had to deselect the @DayZ module and select the @DayZFallujah to get it running. The above is the only combination I could find that worked for me. your mileage may vary but if you can get your main screen to show the same 4 modules (IN THAT ORDER) you should be good to go. One other person I know who could not load the Fallujah servers mirrored this screenshot and was immediately able to join. Hope this helps someone, it worked for us...
  16. I don't suppose I need to point out where the community would be without the admins who foot the bill for this game. Not sure what exactly you think I'm "getting away with" though. HelI, I stopped playing this mod about 5 weeks ago, but I wanted to contribute to the community and I have an extra $50 to spare each month so I decided to keep my DayZ server online. I keep it up to date, reboot it twice a day and deal with any problems that arise as best I can. You can call me whatever you want, it's fine. I'm just offering people a stable and maintained server to play on where hopefully they can have a good experience. If that pisses you off so bad, I really don't know what to tell you.
  17. I'm going to say (as politely as I can) FUCK OFF. Not every admin is a 5 year old little git.
  18. SystemiK

    Anyone know what post/video I was in?

    Considering that there are only 5 DayZ sniper videos on YouTube, it shouldn't be too hard to narrow down..... ;)
  19. SystemiK

    DayZ Fallujah Problems

    DayZ Commander has just released a new version with support for Fallujah. Update your DC client and let it do the Fallujah install, may do the trick.
  20. Post at the forum link given above. dot.Josh (the developer) is very active on the forums and is your best shot at resolving this...
  21. SystemiK

    Custom maps

    1. The DayZ "mod" has been given the green light for the community to begin adding new map content, changing the mission files, and content. This is all to be done on private hives. Many private hives are specific to one server, and some private hives encompass a group of servers. Any additions / changes to the mod made by the community will be evaluated by the dev team for inclusion into the standalone release. 2. I don't believe this has been announced, we will have to wait and see. 3. You can definitely develop a map for the mod right now (since it is currently switching over to being a community driven model) but until we know if the retail version is going to allow custom maps (and I doubt it) we can only wait for more information to be released.
  22. SystemiK

    Would these specs run DayZ

    I'd be shocked if you could run on that...
  23. SystemiK

    Convince me to buy the game.

    Why would you care what anyone else thinks? Either you want to play it bad enough to buy it or you don't. Do you allow the internet to make all your game purchasing decisions or is this one a special case?
  24. SystemiK

    Flashlight idea

    They already have this on the Lingor maps. I think it goes on your shoulder.