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Everything posted by SystemiK

  1. I've had a pretty amazing weekend so far but this is icing on the cake. Thanks for the update.
  2. Any update on the server jskibo? We are (patiently) awaiting any further info.
  3. SystemiK

    I don't know where to begin

    Youtube is full of introductory video clips on DayZ. Make sure you find one that shows the basics (many are just a video capture of people playing the game instead of being a tutorial). I tried to find the one I had my buddies watch but cant find it again. There are many tutorials out there. An hour watching tutorials will save you a lot of frustration in the long run...
  4. SystemiK

    How many Huey's per server

    Looks to be a bit east of Zeleno if my spidey senses are not acting up...
  5. SystemiK

    Just Curious

    Well, that's for sure, everyone loves to share their misery around here...
  6. You are right.....it does sound a bit gay. (just sayin)
  7. SystemiK

    How many Huey's per server

    They announced at the time they re-introduced the helicopters back into the game that there would only be one per server (for now).
  8. SystemiK

    Food for thought

    This is the problem most people seem to have. They don't know that the problem lies in the way the arma 2 engine was built to be easily modable and scripted. What makes DayZ even possible is the same thing that makes hacking so easy. It's not a simple fix and the reality is, that in mod form, this weakness may never be fixed. The best we can hope for is an improvement, even a standalone version is likely to see hacks. Might as well get used to it....very few games like this have ever been hack free.
  9. They don't really talk publicly about any steps they have taken, or are planning. It's a waiting game at the moment. Edit: (referring to efforts to combat hackers)
  10. SystemiK

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    At this time, battleye is only banning people who are detected running scripts, but the devs ARE logging data on everything, so you may get listed as having had a hacked item in your possesion at some point.
  11. SystemiK

    Just Curious

    I vote for: E: Chill out and wait for Rocket to adjust his mod to compensate for bullet damage changes made in the Arma 1.62 beta patch.
  12. I could live with the meats idea, but the rest seems like unnecessarily complicating things just for the sake of complicating them. Vehicles already break easily enough that I don't really think this is needed.
  13. You can be one of the first people to post exactly how long it takes to crawl from NWA to Cherno Hospital.....
  14. SystemiK


    In 12 weeks of playing the game I have seen hackers twice. It is a serious problem but not nearly as serious as you make it out to be....
  15. Did you seriously just accuse the hackers of having an intellect?
  16. Maybe I'm just in an exceptionally good mood today, but I really didnt see the OP as a QQ.
  17. Actually it's the other way around. The game is highly CPU intensive.
  18. What I'd really like to know is what he was about to say his future plans for tents were, when that trainwreck of an interviewer completely cut him off mid sentence with some mindless comment about something completely unrelated. He never got back on the train of thought after that. Horrible interviewer. It seemed she was barely even listening to a word he said.
  19. SystemiK

    Why this mod is failing

    OP you keep calling this a game, but it's not. It is a portion of a game. Come back when it is a game and re-evaluate your position.
  20. SystemiK

    What Graphics Card do you Reccomend for DayZ?

    Been very happy with my Sapphire 6950 (unlocked to 6970 shaders). http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102987
  21. SystemiK

    lack of servers recently?

    The servers are all there, seems to be a gamespy problem of not returning the full server list to your client.
  22. Yes. Happened to me yesterday. I got shot point blank by someone I couldnt see (sounded like a shotty), and when I respawned on the beach I had an M107 with 8 clips, NV, Rangefinder, a full set of tool belt items and a Coyote Backpack. Edit: I suppose this could have been a bug though.
  23. SystemiK

    SunOrMoon Command?

    moonintensity Sorry, it does not do anything like that. From what I can tell looking at the arma 2 forums it is a command for mission makers. Using the command will return a value of 0 or 1 depending on if the moon is out or not, i.e. it is a GET command, not a SET command. Could not find anything specific about sunOrMoon but I assume it works much the same way. To change the moon brightness you would probably have to change the date on your server to a date corresponding to the moon cycle you want.
  24. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you didn't get shot for no reason. You got shot because you were in a high risk PVP area.
  25. SystemiK

    What should I try next?

    Well there is not alot more to the game currently than what you have experienced already. For fun, you could invent some whacky personna and run around talking to people over direct chat.