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Everything posted by darkpheonx

  1. (Note: We are somewhat bandit but not fully, we don't shoot someone unless they have something we want, otherwise they are left alone) Member Count: 14 The Enclave, simply put, is a no shit group that is here to play and have fun. Now of course, we play, and when we play we don't like losing. The way we combat this is by having a basic training and other forms of training for those who have just joined the group, as well as a week long trial period to weed out the trolls and others who would ruin our group. Now, why do we have the trainings? Well, the only way you get good at something is if you practice, practice, practice, and we want to live at that standard. When you train with us, you are taught military tactics, defensive/offensive driving, and other things to make you one of the best player on the server, and when we are all playing together using these things we have learned, we are one team to be reckoned with. A 50-slot teamspeak server to allow our members to communicate 24/7 without the issue of the server becoming full. Training of many different types to ensure that you and all other members can operate effectively and do what you need to do in order to survive.A clear, established chain of command to ensure that problems are solved and stuff doesn't go bad when someone dies in combat.A non-tolerance group to drama, immaturity, and other idiotic issues. Mess up 3 times and your out.A fully functioning up-to-date DayZ Epoch server (search [ENC]) for our members to play on and have fun with fun mods and admin events. There is also a soon to be fully functioning donation system. Field Technician - A Field Technician will be carrying all sorts of parts, varying from wheels to main rotor assemblies, always ready to fix up a vehicle when needed. Field Medic - A Field Medic is a person who is going to be looting and carrying large amounts of blood bags, morphine, bandages, and other supplies, always ready in combat to fix our guys up. Sniper - A sniper shoots and doesn't miss. A sniper would typically be trusted with any form of long range rifle and will be trained to scout out areas while concealed and other aspects of being a good marksman/scout. Heavy/Light Machine Gunner - Putting lead down range and keeping enemies suppressed, a light/heavy machine gunner carries our heavy weaponry and makes sure enemies will be suppressed by a storm of lead. Grenadier - A Grenadier would handle explosive ranging from grenades to grenade launchers, and sometimes rocket launchers, in short these guys make things go boom. Shock Trooper - A Shock Trooper is someone who gets in the fight fast, hits hard, and leaves the enemies stunned and shocked. This includes amphibious, air, and ground assaults. Typically reserved for veteran members and those who show great skill, used for fast reinforcements, base raids, and other activities. 1. Must be fourteen years of age or older. 2. Must have a microphone and teamspeak 3. 3. Must not be affiliated with any other dayz groups. 4. Must be willing to follow orders. 5. Must be mature and respectful. (PM applications to me, post it in reply to thread, or come on our teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com for verbal application) Age: Timezone: Experience in DayZ/Arma: Past Groups: If any why did you leave: What rank do you see yourself at: What operational specialty would you want to be: Why do you want to join (2 or more sentences):
  2. Hello! I am darkpheonx. I, as the title says, am looking for a DayZ Overpoch group. Below is what I have to offer to your group. Vast knowledge on the US military (structure, ranking, training). Leadership experience in large milsim teams and some leadership in dayz. 4 years of playing arma 2 A 50 slot teamspeak server open for usage Maturity despite age Manuals from the USAF on leadership (if interested) The ability to help draw up documents be it training, recruitment, or the majority of other things. As you see above, that is what I offer. If you are still interested, then I will now post below what I am looking for in a group to play with. A mature group, this by far is the most important An organized group, I prefer not to run around with no goal or aim and just lose gear for the hell of it. A base already set up or in the works. A not to large or to small player-base. (Min:5 Max:30) An active player-base No hacking groups. Last but not least, leaders who can lead. If you wish to know what I mean, PM me. That is all I have to really post on the matter, if you are interested send me a PM or a teamspeak ip/skype. Thanks and have a nice day =)
  3. Yeah totally, so why dont you tell them all your failures as a leader. Also, if your going to be a cadet in the UKAF, get some fucking respect like your supposed to portray. But then again you actually portraying good morals and ethics is something that would never happen.
  4. You began being disrespectful when I had a different opinion then you. I had tried to stop the argument but you became a stuck up little fuck and kept it going. Instead of being disrespectful, you couldve dropped it like I tried to do. On the other note, I misunderstood the conversation. Also, the community is going down due to inactivity. So please dont make any more applications.
  5. Hey, so I have a dayz.st server and have been scripting on it for a good 5 days now. I have all my scripts on but whenever I try to put admin tools on, I never find the code needing to be found. Then when I watch tutorials I find a script similar and then replace it, but when I try to go into the game it gets stuck on the loading screen. Any help would be appreciated thanks! I have a teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com if you would rather help verbally.
  6. Accepted, please connect to our teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com and look for either Col Autumn, Lt Col Carter, or Pfc Lancelot
  7. You have been accepted, I had simply not seen your app due to the amount of things I had to do.
  8. accepted, report to our teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com
  9. Accepted, please connect to our teamspeak for further evaluation.
  10. Accepted, please report to our teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com. Do note that piloting is not an operational specialty.
  11. Accepted, please connect to our teamspeak at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com for further evaluation
  12. Sounds great, we will check it out and see what happens.
  13. No, we do not have a server we play on atm, we are looking around for good ones to set up on. If you have any suggestions feel free to let us know. Accepted, please connect to our ts at 82ndab.teamspeak3.com for further evaluation
  14. darkpheonx

    lets play together!

    Hey, I am with the Enclave and if you are interested, we are a tactical realism group. Currently at 4 members, half of them are from the UK, so do feel free to check out our thread. GL on your clan hunt http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173411-the-enclave-enc-dayz-epoch-taviana-wanting-mature-members/?p=1769866
  15. darkpheonx


    You know this is a double post right?
  16. darkpheonx

    Looking for a military group.

    Hey, my group likes to do somewhat tactical realism, if you are interested check out our thread and see if its a fit. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173411-the-enclave-enc-dayz-epoch-taviana-wanting-mature-members/?p=1769866
  17. Brotherhood of Steel - Chernarus Chapter DayZ Origins Clan Introduction Hello Survivors and Bandits of Chernarus. I am Knight Commander Maxson (Darkphoenx). I currently command the Brotherhood of Steel - Chernarus Chapter. We are a new group forming in DayZero. We are beginning to buid our camp, and are starting to collect weaponry, vehicles, aircraft, food, and other objects. Currently we are looking for new recruits to fill our ranks. We do have requirements which will be further down the post. How We Operate The Brotherhood of Steel obviously wants to maintain a dominance in the zombie filled wasteland. There are many ways to accomplish this. Banditry being the more popular and effective way. This includes but is not limited to... - Robbery - Roadblocks - Murder - Sniping - Vehicle Hoarding - Vehicle Patrols - Aircraft Patrols - Foot Patrols - Traps However we do not... - Kill Fresh Spawns - Camp (sniping is not camping) - Make any form of alliance Ranking Structure Elder - Leader of the Chapter and all its elements. (One Per Chapter) Paladin Lord - Leader of ground forces, and of Special Operations if Elder is not present. (One Per Chapter) Paladin Commander - Basically a squad leader among Paladins, leads a squad into battle. (Four Per Chapter) Paladin - Basic special operations member. Represents our clan as one of our elites. (No more than there are Knights in a chapter) Junior Paladin - Trial rank for members wishing to become Paladins. Tests their capabilites. (No more than there are Knights in a chapter.) Knight Commander - Leader of groups of Knights. Has shown leadership capabilites as a Senior Knight. (Four Per Chapter) Senior Knight - Those who have been Knights for an extended period of time and are looking to be in a leadership role. Trial rank for future leadership. (Unlimited Per Chapter) Knight - Given to those who have completed trianing and shown their loyalty, basic grunt rank. (Unlimited Per Chapter) Junior Knight - Rank given to those who have completed both phases of their training, starting to prove loyalty. (Unlimited Per Chapter) Squire - Rank for those who have finished phase one of training. (Unlimited Per Chapter). Initiate - Rank for those who have joined the Brotherhood of Steel and are beginning training. (Unlimited Per Chapter) Specialities Technician - You are responsible for gathering vehicle parts and maintaining our vehicles health. We need our vehicles in tip top shape for when we go on patrols/operations. [P] Medical Officer - You are responsible for maintaining the health of our soldiers. You are expected to carry medical supplies around so that you may operate on our men if they get injured in the field. Scout - Scouts go out alone of in groups to scout out the area that an operation might take place in. Scouts are trained is the art of stealth. [P] Marksman - Typically acompanied by scouts, marksmans use high powered rifles to take out targets from afar and provide overwatch for our troops on the ground. Marksmans are chosen from scouts who have shown capability with long range weaponry and are experts in the art of stealth. [P] Automatic Rifleman - An Automatic Rifleman usually carries a light or heavy machine gun. Your objective is not to be accurate but rain down a storm of hell upon the enemy so that they may not return fire. [P] Rifleman - Basic occupation, uses a standard rifle. Your objective is to listen to your leader and take down enemy forces efficiently. [P] Explosive Specialist - This is given to those who have proven to have knowledge with explosives. These people are trusted with high powered rocket launchers, satchel charges, and any other explosives. Scavenger - The Scavenger is meant to keep our supplies of ammunition and food/drink to at a high level. Stealth is a vital componet in this occupation. Secondary Occupations - Unlimited number may be taken Primary Occupation [P] - Only one may be taken Requirments 15 years of age American or European Timezone. Must be active Must have some experience in Dayz Must have or must be able to get DayZ Origins Must have Teamspeak 3 Must have a functional Microphone There are no exceptions to the microphone, teamspeak, and age requirement. Application Format (Reply with applications filled out) Age: Country of Origin: English Skills: Dayz Experience: Do you have DayZ Origins: Do you have Teamspeak and a functional Microphone: How active are you: Other Information Clan Tags: [boS] Teamspeak: bos.teamspeak3.com Website: None Xml: Yes
  18. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP
  19. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP
  20. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP
  21. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP
  22. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP
  23. Accepted, report to teamspeak ASAP for tags
  24. Please note after much consideration and talking with a fellow member we have concluded that dayz origins is better for the clan seeing as how a large player base plays it, as well as how easy it is to use and build bases/forts on.