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Everything posted by rillepille

  1. rillepille

    Pending Update Rev. 113772

    "Temporary status indicators for state of player in the inventory screen (thirsty, sickness, hunger, etc...)" Woohoo!
  2. rillepille

    Heli crash sites?

    I think they are randomized. Did you check arount the heli? Cause the loot spawn around it.
  3. rillepille Bad Map?!

    I have spawned there to, but i could fix it. Click respawn, and leave game before your character respawns. Join new game, and have fun :)
  4. I think the loot is spread out around the heli, not inside it. But its really hard to see it.
  5. rillepille

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Same problem here, 0% gpu load ingame.
  6. rillepille

    Spawn Bug

    Kill yourself and connect to another/same server. And hope you dont spawn there.
  7. rillepille

    Keep being kicked out of game

    Do you have the latest version of Arma and Dayz mod? You can also try delete your @Dayz folder, and redownload the mod files.
  8. rillepille

    Getting kicked issue

    Try delete your @Dayz Folder, and redownload the mod files again.
  9. rillepille

    Keep being kicked out of game

    Do you get any error message?
  10. rillepille

    Black screen receiving

    Look here, and see if anything helps. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2085
  11. rillepille

    Keep being kicked out of game

    Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory.
  12. rillepille

    Getting kicked issue

    Launch Operation Arrowhead from steam and select the option to re-install BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using retail download the latest version form http://www.battleye.com/download.html and put it in a folder named "BattlEye" in the "Expansion" folder of your Arma2:OA main directory.
  13. rillepille

    Upgrade to find worse FPS...

    Can you download GPU-Z and take a printscreen?
  14. What's your CPU and GPU usage when you are playing?
  15. [attachment=802] And i died out there.
  16. Everything looks okey.
  17. Hello all. I read posts here and I am glad to see that some of you have gotten your problems fixed. But the problem seems to be that many of you get your problems fixed and you then post back saying: "Ok... I fixed it (on my own), thanks The problem got taken care of or... something else to that nature." How are other people going to learn from your fixes if you don't post back here what you did to fix your problem? People are always wanting answers, and with posts/replies like above will only make people wonder what you did to fix it. Please explain EXACTLY as much as possible what you did. It could be a new and informative way to do something that has never been discussed before. Don't just get your own stuff fixed and leave everyone else out in the open. Explain how you fixed it, because people want to know... "Well, how did he do it?" Don't hold back on information that can help others,,, because the information here has helped you. We've all come here for help, and we aught to provide it in return, even in the form of explaining how you got a problem fixed.
  18. rillepille

    Will this PC run DayZ?

    404: Not Found
  19. rillepille

    No Zombies, 0 Zombies

    Try this, and see if it works. - Redownload DayZ mod files and make sure you have the latest version. - Right click ARMA 2 in STEAM - Properties - Local Files - Verify integrity of game cache.
  20. rillepille

    artifacting, arma II and dayz

    Artifacts usually indicate either a video hardware fault and/or an overheating issue. Is the system overclocked? Is the video card overclocked? Have you cleaned the dust out of the machine? You could try to slightly underclocking your video card and see if it helps.
  21. rillepille

    How will my pc handle DayZ?

    I think the view distance is set by the server. But you should be okey with your setup.
  22. rillepille

    Boats in Dayz

    Haha nice, i need to find myself a boat.
  23. rillepille

    Upgrade to find worse FPS...

    Did you do a clean install of Windows after the change?
  24. rillepille

    EU 9 - Explosion just like a nuke?

    I was there to, something laggy started to drop behind me when i moved. And after 5 secs i was dead.
  25. rillepille

    Glitched ammo box

    I have found a ammo box there to, there was 20 mags of STANAG and 10 mags of STANAG SD in it. I asked in chat, and people said it was legit boxes.