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Everything posted by TerribleFate

  1. TerribleFate

    new to DayZ

    Hahahah. I say that before I kill someone. That, or I yell horribly loud. It always scares the shit outta them either way, Lol
  2. TerribleFate

    Lose Gear After Death??

    If you're conscious of your stuff, learn to snipe. That's the safest way to kill other players. At least that I know of...
  3. TerribleFate

    new to DayZ

    One more tip (If you plan on killing other players), knock them out, then say something creepy, and or, hilarious to them. Such as "You've met with a Terrible fate, haven't you?" or "Do you know... the definition... of insanity?". These "Quotes" can enlighten the mood of the situation, so that the player doesn't dwell to long on his inevitable death. ~Cheers, TerribleFate
  4. TerribleFate

    Reason behind your username?

    You good sir, earn my beans
  5. TerribleFate

    DayZ SA: 'Small Fee for Updates'

    I dont think they would sell well if they made people pay, for every update. Maybe only a handful of people, I don't think any more than a couple dozen.
  6. TerribleFate

    how to become a hero(for begginers)

    Meh, running people over was always more of my style. And anyways, cant you just download the skin as custom?
  7. TerribleFate

    Reason behind your username?

    I got my Nickname off a very interesting creepypasta about my favorite old time game, Link: Ocarina of time , and adding a badass quote "You've met with a terrib fate, haven't you?" Thus, making it my favorite. And also my friends are very clumsy, so I get to say that alot :D