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Everything posted by TerribleFate

  1. TerribleFate

    Use for razors and toilet paper

    :facepalm: And... why would you do that?
  2. TerribleFate

    I will pay $21 US for Inceptions (Murder)

  3. TerribleFate

    Any tricks of the trade?

    If you see a player, and he hasn't noticed you yet, you go prone. Try to hide behind something and ask if he's friendly and tell him to put his gun down or you shoot. And if he doesn't put it down, then shoot him.
  4. TerribleFate

    How do you start off in SA?

    I have a feeling this thread will be buried in the graveyard.
  5. TerribleFate

    first kill on dayz

    Lol. Here's a good story. I was looting one of those fire-fighter towers, then I saw a heli. So my first instinct was to shoot it down. But little did I know his two friends were in the gunner seat. So they started pumping rounds into the tower. Like the little fresh spawn I was, I panicked. Like, really bad. So I came to a conclusion: Shoot it as many times as possible. So I went out in the front and aimed at one of the gunners, and before he could kill me I shot 12 bullets in his body and 3 in his head and then he died. Thats when i realized I had a good shot at the pilot. He was trying to gain altitude so my bullets wouldn't hurt him. But they both met with a Terrible Fate, because I loaded a whole Ak mag into the Pilot's body. Sure enough the helicopter started to swerve, and then I realized it started to fall towards me. At first I thought my bullets didn't hit him, but it said I did I side chat. I tried to run away, but it was futile. It fell right behind me and I exploded with the rest of the bandits. But to this day, I still consider it a WIN
  6. TerribleFate

    Heli crash sites

    One time I found an LMG in a crash site. Only 1 extra mag though.
  7. TerribleFate

    Humanity in the Apocalypse

    This one fresh spawn had almost no gear, and my gut inside me said: Say "You've met with a Terrible Fate, Havn't you?" and kill him. But I was feeling particulary generous on that day. So I gave him some decent loot, and we went our seperate ways. Then about a few days later I saw him again, except he was now a bandit. Then I did my trademark "Terrible fate" quote and killed him. ~Fin
  8. I try to identify the person, then with my friends I purposely go near and say stuff like "If you see ____ just shoot them down." and "I hate ____. If you find him/her shoot on sight."
  9. What usually happens: Friend: Look it's a noob! Don't ki-" Me: *BamBamBamBamBam* I'm sorry what?
  10. TerribleFate

    Armour inbound

  11. TerribleFate

    Character dies, becomes NPC Zombie

    This thread is officially dead
  12. Im getting the same error, and I go to where I pick a server. Dafuq
  13. TerribleFate

    Bad version, server rejected connection.

    Same happening to me. i haven't tried Raiders advice yet
  14. TerribleFate

    Just saw Rocket again.

    :o ..... :facepalm:
  15. TerribleFate


    This is basically what the guy did after he saw me eat his beans
  16. TerribleFate

    Capturing a zombie

    This Idea is very interesting, to say the least. Maybe they can wear smoke grenades taped to the front, then when someone shoots them, the smoke gets released, signaling other zombies. Lol, We could call them "Smokers"
  17. I have a clan named, "The 5 Fates". I'll think about you joining. Which category of Weopon are you best in?
  18. TerribleFate

    Just saw Rocket again.

  19. TerribleFate


  20. TerribleFate


    The only torture I've ever done, was breaking a guys legs with a hatchet, took his beans, ate it in front of him, then laughed over voice chat.
  21. :facepalm: ... the only thing that scares me is Honey Boo Boo and her Mother. *Shudder*
  22. TerribleFate

    Dayz - Squad Rivalry

    Lol. I have a secret clan called "The 5 Fates". There's: Leader: TerribleFate (Me) Sniper: StupidFate Medic: FunnyFate Infantry: FateOfDeath (Odd one out :lol: ) Infantry: TwiztedFate We like to call our Rival clan, "The Jerrys". (Reference to WWII)