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Dynamite (DayZ)

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About Dynamite (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. how old do u have to be?
  2. Dynamite (DayZ)

    Looking for Squad members!

    why not me?
  3. Dynamite (DayZ)

    Need Apocalypse-Buddy!

    add me on skype cameron.elie add me on steam DyNaMiTe GOES BoOm :beans: see ya soon Apocalypse-Buddy!
  4. Dynamite (DayZ)

    Looking For Survival partner

    yh why not steam name is DyNaMiTe GoEs BoOm
  5. IGN?:dont hav it Age?:11 Skype?:yes Country?:england Do you have teamspeak?:yes How much experience do you have?:1 month What are your specialties?:scavenging Any other info? (optional):ive [layed games since i dcould pick up a controller