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Everything posted by phocian

  1. I hope that someone can help with this as I have googled for two nights and have not found a solution. I have been adding AI to the dayz_mission.pbo for a friend, his is a standard version of days but he wants to mod it. When I try to add any Russian aircraft (or American) and preview the mission the following error type appear " Invalid crew RU_Soldier_Pilot in Su34 " and the plane (any aircraft ) is spawned in the preview without a crew. I have managed to add AI soldiers which can be ordered to get into the plane and take off in the preview. But when the days_mission.pbo is loaded into the server the same error appears and refuses to allow anyone to log in or the craft simply do not appear and only the extra soldier troop pilots are spawned in. If I try to spawn in an unoccupied plane the same error happens. I'm at a loss what to do, my friend would like AI air patrols ( none firing) and I don't understand why it wont work. Thanks, Phocian
  2. Ok so now I have got around the issue of the RU_Soldier_Pilot by placing an empty Su34 via the arma 2 editor. Dayz allowed soldiers can get in the plane and take off. (In the editor preview) The problem now is that the aircraft explode as soon as the server restarts. From reading it seems this is to do with the cleanup.fsm file and the Kill hacker series of code. So using this : Replace this: Quote "//Check for hackers" \n " {" \n " if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n " diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n " (vehicle _x) setDamage 0.2;" \n " _x setDamage 0.2;" \n " };" \n " } forEach allUnits;" \n "" \n With this: Quote "//Check for hackers" \n " //{" \n " //if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n " //diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n " //(vehicle _x) setDamage 0.2;" \n " //_x setDamage 0.2;" \n " //};" \n " //} forEach allUnits;" \n "" \n Now the server gets stuck on requesting authentication and then after 40 or so seconds presents the "something went wrong message". Any ideas please ? Thanks in advance.
  3. I found the thread you recommended. http://opendayz.net/index.php?threads/sarge-ai-framework-public-release.8391/page-13 Jackpot ! Thanks.
  4. Ah, ok I have only been adding AI via the editor, rolling back the dayz version, editing the map and ai saving the pbo then returning via dayz commander to the latest version and play testing on the server. I will look into scripting units to appear via a sqf script. I have random troop patrols atm via Ups. Thank you for your help, I'm new to this and it's a case of three steps forward, two steps back but fun anyway. Your right in that I shouldn't touch the dayz_anim. I will update this thread if I can get it to work, as I'm sure I won't be the only newbie dayz editor to encounter this. Cheers, Phocian
  5. Thanks for getting back Dayz247. How would I go about changing this. The mod seems to be limited in what air units are available in the editor and all the East and West aircraft that I try keep giving the error "Invalid Crew." Is there a away to allow this banned skin and vehicle ?
  6. phocian

    Screen Goes Blank/Chopper Disappears.

    Happened twice today to me and a mate. Both of us in heli, I'm flying. My screen I landed and got out, his screen the Huey was falling, upside down then he died. On my screen he was still sat in the passenger seat then the chopper just disappeared in front of me. Again no crash site, smoke etc.