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Everything posted by osc

  1. osc

    We need tents!

    The end game is too easily achievable at the moment - people are starting to get bored. DayZ SA really needs or any sort of storage in order to set up bases. It adds a whole new dynamic to the game and isn't particularly hard to implement as opposed to other features such as vehicles.
  2. osc

    We need tents!

    A lot of great idea and support in this thread. Looks like the general consensus is that tents (or some form of storage) needs to be implemented sooner rather than later.
  3. osc

    We need tents!

    The unfortunate truth is that a lot of the newer players to DayZ will play through, get the best gear and then move on to the game because they've achieved the current end game. My argument (and I'm sure many of you will agree) is that tents should be fairly high on the priority list - we can put up with bugs, but we can't put up with the boredom of having nothing to do as easily.
  4. osc

    We need tents!

    Base-building is an integral part of DayZ, it could be argued. You seem to be suggesting that implementing tents for bug-testing is a bad idea.
  5. A good portion of you are frequent Redditors, in particular in the DayZ Subreddit. Some of you may have seen my posts over there such as my Tip Thread. I'm looking to start a group so that lots of us Redditors can play together! You need to be a team player and put others before yourself. If a teammate is injured and you're not the sort of person who will offer a bandage this isn't for you. _ If you're interested add me on Skype, search "osca,r" or post your Skype below. Please bump the thread too so that other Redditors can discover this thread.
  6. A good portion of you are frequent Redditors, in particular in the DayZ Subreddit. Some of you may have seen my posts over there such as my Tip Thread. I'm looking to start a group so that lots of us Redditors can play together! You need to be a team player and put others before yourself. If a teammate is injured and you're not the sort of person who will offer a bandage this isn't for you. _ If you're interested add me on Skype, search "osca,r" or post your Skype below. Please bump the thread too so that other Redditors can discover this thread.
  7. bump! Have got a group conversation of ~5 people going, room for a few more!
  8. A good portion of you are frequent Redditors, in particular in the DayZ Subreddit. Some of you may have seen my posts over there such as my Tip Thread. I'm looking to start a group so that lots of us Redditors can play together! You need to be a team player and put others before yourself. If a teammate is injured and you're not the sort of person who will offer a bandage this isn't for you. _ If you're interested add me on Skype, search "osca,r" or post your Skype below. Please bump the thread too so that other Redditors can discover this thread.
  9. Hey bandits and heroes! I've played DayZ for well over a year now. I got bored of it a few months ago but following the E3 coverage I had an urge to get back into it. Everyone from the old group I used to play with have stopped playing, so I'm looking for a new one to have a lot of fun with. Add me on skype: osca,r
  10. Age: 21 From: England Skype: osca,r
  11. So, there's about 12 in the group, but usually only about 3 online at any time. This can be a problem when there isn't anyone to pilot/drive/do other jobs. If you'd like to join we can fully equip you and provide everything you need, you must be intermediate or better, ideally. If you'd like to join add me on Skype: osca,r (There will probably be lots of results, I'm at the very top.) Thanks. p.s. we don't have too many vacancies!