Hmm,I don't think i dislike rocket enough to align myself with the anti rocket alliance but i really don't feel like i agree enough with him enough to side with the rocket defence force. Is there some kind of third party that agree's with him on the majorities side of things and then disagree's with him when he's takes the side of the whiney casuals and fixes the way how hard zombies hit ?I understand he needed to fix the way zombies worked because let's face it as far as PvE goes the zeds were a fuckin joke.We all love this game and i think i can speak for almost every gamer out there that we have been waiting for a game like this but to be able to play only half of the game we deserve is a fucking joke. Why are you waiting to sell out?I know they say selling out to big corporations is bad but in this case it's good.get the money you can to hire the help you need under a good engine and you will make the game people and publishers want.Look at the war z they are complete sellouts promising everything they will never be able to deliver.You are the community and should anyone challenge,the rocket defence will come to aid.Get the money and stick to your roots,make the game that you want with the budget you need to make this game great without arma!!