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Posts posted by AfricanizedBees

  1. Oh boy oh boy, I am going to donate to their server so I can play like everyone else does! On a private locked server for 12 hours at the NW Airfield just respawning all the loots over and over, cherry picking the choicest guns and equipment! All with no fear whatsoever of anyone logging in near me that may be dangerous! Just like everyone else! Everyone else! Everyone Esle! Eveyrsohf elfe! JDEfnso;ei'sOMje' mjsoFMjls"Vm"LSea'

    • Like 4

  2. Have scrap metal in your inventory. When everything on the scroll wheel menu is green, slap ONE more scrap onto hull anyway. If fuel still leaks, slap ONE extra scrap to each system until it no longer leaks. You are welcome.

    And YES you have to repair HITMISSILES.

  3. This seems to be the case with a lot of the admins I have smoked or been shot at by.

    I posted a while ago about a server admin finding our camp within 6 hours and trying to steal his car back, which he was unsuccessful at. Mind you he also had a radio, which as far as I know is not a normal DayZ item.

    Now I said server admins have no way within the rules to do this stuff. If some admins are crooked and using scripts on their own servers, which I have no doubt a few jackasses are, that's another story. Root them out and get them exposed if possible.

  4. Admins have NO WAY to see where vehicles are on their own servers. The only way would be if someone was running scripts to reveal vehicle locations and very few people are capable of that with the new battleye updates. Admins have no special powers except for server administration. Kicks bans, restarts, setting options.

  5. listen, through my bf3 days where i played for hours i can no longer even think about, i played all the time, the forum was basically piling up on hacker accusations, i was called a hacker aswell lol, not everyone is a hacker, and think about it, what would make them hack? maybe server hoppers, the teleporting to point black and shooting you is basically so you cant disconnect, if i constantly ran into serverhoppers i guess i would start hacking aswell you know, but through my entire gaming history ive never hacked, but ive been called a hacker plenty of times lol.

    people whine and throw the hacker word around to much, so far i havent even seen one, and i guess its gonna go down that road again where the forum here will overflow with whine about hackers, and im not gonna see anyone of them lol.

    passwording the server is gonna help you in what way?

    Stop raging and figure out who the hacker is, and if you cant, then make an idea of how we the people can spot the hacker, since people obviously works alot better than an anti cheat program. -.-

    Hi, there, you must not play much. And if you do/did you must be blind. Or insanely lucky. You never saw a hacker? It's not as bad as it was before the Battleye update, but I would often see a jet lazily fly over Balotta airfield, hop to another server and then see a passenger airliner fly over. I have seen people teleporting vast distances. I have seen weapons crates, unsanctioned weapons and just plain nukes.

    All you guys with your "I never done see none hackers." You're in the minority. They were all around you. And as a server runner, the scripts injected made very large logs. Sometimes a gig in size. So don't pass off this I never saw it so it can't be much of a problem attitude. It was fucking rampant unchecked ruination for quite a while. This Battleye update has stifled most of the day tripper script kiddies and their public methods. But some of the more clever bypassers and their "customers" are still lurking about. I mean my god, how did anyone play the game last month and not know this?

    In any case, and on topic, I do not agree with locking servers. And yes scripters were a huge problem. less so now. Only a matter of time though, Battleye is notoriously one of the easiest systems to trick. Look it up.

  6. You all should be kissing the dev's asses for creating this game that you enjoy so much, and working so hard on it. For putting up with thousands of people giving them shit each day about nothing in particular. For the endless stream of stupid questions or the same question over and over and over and over and over from different people. Instead you want to pull this "Why me but not them!" rules crap? Really?! Lets have customers hollar at everyone that gets employee discounts at their jobs. Lets deride Rock Stars that get into their own venues for free and get to go back stage. Those Aquarium employees get to go into the pool area and pet the Dolphins!? Fuck those guys I paid for a ticket!

    • Like 1

  7. Siding with the players and Human on this one. Even if they were making map notes, you can't ban for that, unless it was flagrant note spam blotting out entire locations for no reason or lewd/hate speech of some kind on the labels. You heard a lot of stories and talk about a group of people, and you banned them without personally witnessing or confirming they were actually breaking any legitimate rules.

    You say you run a respectable server, then back up that statement, come to your senses and unban these folks. I am not even sure they would want to come back at this point.

    On my server I only ban with absolute certainty. Just the other day I saw a guy with my own eyes teleport all over my head. I was in a vehicle, going 60, he was on foot, yet he somehow kept getting in front of me, hundreds of meters at a time. I didn't ban him immediately, I referred to the script logs, and there it was, teleport.sqf. I could have been desynching like a mofo and driving against a tree, I wanted that second hard fact.

    Have a little restraint, take a breath and do the detective work. The fact that you're not throwing big wafty piles of server logs against our faces in this thread tells us all you banned on hearsay and circumstance. Move on from it.

  8. The real issue isn't the Barbed Wire itself' date=' but the fact that it respawns every server reset. So I can use my toolkit to completely empty Cherno and Elektro of wire only to have it all magically reappear after the server resets rendering my work pointless. This also lets the wire build up over time since no matter how much is removed, the amount can only increase.


    Confirming, I went around my server removing barbed wire 2 seperate times, all came back after a restart. Annoying.

  9. Christ almighty is it so hard to wait until the mod is more complete for all this splinter server rule shit? Seriously, you're yanking Grandma's turkey dinner out of the oven while it's still pink and flipping her off while you're at it. "OH but we want this feature and not that one and this custom thing just for us!". You MAY get all the things you desire, BUT NOT FUCKING YET!

    Dear god, it's rude as hell to the devs. "Hey this guy created something I really enjoy! I have SO much respect for him! Now lets alter it to suit our tastes before it's complete and get in the way and stuff!"
