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Everything posted by AfricanizedBees

  1. AfricanizedBees

    Infected no more dangerous than pesty flies

    I look forward to a new engine where zombies have weight to them. Getting tackled and having to push an infected off of you would be fairly tense.
  2. AfricanizedBees

    Rage post: instant death from 2 metre fall

    The kids.... they called me Mr. Glass.
  3. AfricanizedBees

    Website Maintenance

    Oh no! My grandma knitted me this website! I'm gonna get hollered at :(
  4. AfricanizedBees

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    Africanized Bees best Bees Perhaps. Just saying, if you enable Fraps 2 times it creates 2 seperate video files that then have to be joined with.... editing software. Transforming the a-fore claimed "unedited videos", into the very definition of edited.
  5. AfricanizedBees

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    That video didn't show anything except how you killed them, your truck was already behind the bus, why don't you show us, you guys riding to the location and finding the bus, instead of ALREADY being at the bus. Also a bunch of teleporting hackers killing people on servers because their "Mole" feeds them expert terrain data better then a GPS navigation system=Priceless Lol Its a partial clip, I didn't record everything nor was I a part of all the action. I'm even pissed off that I forgot to FRAPS the entire adventure. If we could teleport around the map, spawn vichles at a whim, why didn't we just DO that then? Why did we bother to capture all that stuff and fix up the truck after the buss encounter? Why did we bother to break down your convoys and steal your rides? We stole your Ural as well and blew it up after joyriding it a while. Your position is one based on smoke and shadows, and it raises more questions than it answers. Occam's Razor would be that you would be hacking' date=' since nametags can never be enabled on Veteran servers. Try again. [/quote'] Occam's Razor would be as follows: We are closer to your group than you think, and your mole was within the van and revealing names. So by your own admission pressing F9 opens the command menu for you? Perhaps you care to explain how after it goes away in "Dayz - Banned for killing hackers [full clip]" it reappears at 1:25 in the video time-code. The video freezes, there is an audio pop, then video resumes. Immediately after the video recovers, the command menu re-appears along with the telltale audio pop of sloppy sound editing, the video footage also jumps forward at this second audio anomaly. There was footage removed when the terrain jumps at those audio pops. Well I've downloaded all of the youtube videos, which were clearly altered by hand pre-upload. Anything to say before I run them through the villains gallery of editing software? I'll be paying special attention to differences in decibel levels between voice and ambient tracks, as well as game audio. Surprisingly youtube offers a fairly crisp .mp4 when you upload videos at such high quality. Now I can't go as far as separating the tracks or anything fancy, but I don't really need to with some methods. Much like Photoshop, you can see the pixels, so to speak.
  6. AfricanizedBees

    Cheating on Seattle 71

    It's incredibly interesting to me how the person filming the bus ambush video keeps his command list open, though it has no use in this mod and it is a known script injecting trigger method... Edit: I also hold a Bachelor's degree in post production, and have worked in the field now for around seven years. After having now watched the videos, those audio blackouts are hand made, and no glitch of the recording software. Also many instances of the dialogue seemed moved and overlapped onto footage from different time codes. Very sloppy whoever did this.
  7. AfricanizedBees

    NYC 7 hackers

    Here's 2 groups that both thought the other was hacking. You guys should be laughing over this incident while sharing a can of beans, not sitting on a forum verbally sniping each other like New Jersey housewives. Now shake hands, form an alliance and then betray each other later in game after spinning a massive and tangled web of deceit and intrigue like real men.
  8. AfricanizedBees

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Despite our differing opinions on the topic of this thread I have come to love and respect Tom Cruise for his eloquent and level headed responses. I for one, will be buying Mission Impossible 4 on Blu-ray disc from my local retailer at the next available opportunity.
  9. AfricanizedBees

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    We have differing tastes and opinions' date=' let us come to blows over it, shall we?[/font'] This is technically a lead in to an actual reason. If you're listing reasons it's generally a good idea to count them properly. I argue that it does add something to the game. All you think about is mindless zombie child shooting. When I imagine it' date=' it's part of a bigger picture. We're playing on an engine that was never meant for such a game. The models are limited and generic, for now. I imagine A zombie bride to found around the churches now and again. I imagine a bit more set decoration. Not just body bags arbitrarily placed. Actual static corpses. I imagine a barricaded classroom at the school in Vybor, that when you enter, you see the almost skeletal remains of a teacher. Her rickety, wooden chair facing the carpet where her class of elementary school students died of starvation and thirst. She has a classic children's book in her lap. She read to them until the last moments. And you find all of this shit organically based on non intrusive visual clues in the environment. The outbreak happened too quickly, there was no time for anything. These are things designed to make you FEEL shit. Emotion. I love the game in its current janky state, but to go from promise to star child I want to dig deeper than just "Can I trust this other person?". When most of us first got into this game it was about fresh stories that unfolded organically through the player. It's losing itself a little, and that's not the game's failing, it's ours as a gaming culture. Shoot shoot, bang bang. It's all most of us have known. We've been given freedom and we act out the same scenario. We were stuck on the rails and now the rails are stuck to us.[/font'] That's a battle right there' date=' and one most certainly not to be shunned. Change is conflict. People avoid it, they get too comfortable in routine.[/font']
  10. AfricanizedBees

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Well this also delves in my desire for zombies to have personal "junk" items on them now and again. A family photo. A letter from summer camp. Little back story shits every now and again. And don't even get me started on how I want writable paper in the game. Holy shit would I spin some sweet ass letters and leave them in my pack for when I die. Oh I'll tear up a bandit with remorse, oh yes. You read every single fucking letter in Resident Evil 1 you know you did.
  11. AfricanizedBees

    Video cheat

    Now that there are janky ass DayZ servers all over tunngle and little shitty private lan games, there is no way to prove this video didn't take place on one of those.
  12. AfricanizedBees

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Stop asking Rocket questions so he can work! Dear god I need mocapped zombies!
  13. So I have 2 steam accounts both with Arma II CO. One is my kitted out deep north lone wolf, and the other is my coastal area fun times party dude. Lone wolf now has British Armed forces installed. I once was able to just change user and launch the game one time to change CD keys and then play DayZ. Now coast boy gets kicked from every server for missing BAF .PBOs. Lonewolf... continues on his long lonesome journey. What do I need to do for switching with minimal kangaroo boxing? Thanks for any help.
  14. NO I want to be able to lie to people without the game tipping my hand.
  15. AfricanizedBees

    NY 13 Hacked Yet Again

    Not an admin considering Vipeax runs that server and he is a Dev, not to mention a really chill and cool guy.
  16. AfricanizedBees

    About the Security Issues

    Confused, so it was or it was not Despected that was the culprit? If not, the timing is insane.
  17. AfricanizedBees

    Forum / Security Notice - They trollinnnn

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/utz97/apple_and_the_story_of_why_the_forums_went_down/ Please stop lynching Apoc for this dingleberry and his dumbassery.