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About AfricanizedBees

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. AfricanizedBees


    I have the same issue
  2. Stuck at setup completed the past 5 days. Latest version of DayZ and beta patch installed, only joining servers up to date. Last time game worked I was turned into a dog by a scripter and quit in disgust. Now I am glitched in the system apparently.
  3. AfricanizedBees

    Nice DayZ reference from a streamer playing Walking Dead

    Why are you winking at me like that? I thought I made myself clear during the Chicago expo.
  4. http://www.twitch.tv...men/b/329158151 I suggested the highlight.
  5. AfricanizedBees

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    Oh boy oh boy, I am going to donate to their server so I can play like everyone else does! On a private locked server for 12 hours at the NW Airfield just respawning all the loots over and over, cherry picking the choicest guns and equipment! All with no fear whatsoever of anyone logging in near me that may be dangerous! Just like everyone else! Everyone else! Everyone Esle! Eveyrsohf elfe! JDEfnso;ei'sOMje' mjsoFMjls"Vm"LSea'
  6. AfricanizedBees

    hackers on CA1

    CA1 is private hive... why are you reporting this here.
  7. AfricanizedBees

    "Noah Kelly" Hacking on US196

    Noah Kelly is a generic NPC name.
  8. AfricanizedBees

    Choppers found

    Have scrap metal in your inventory. When everything on the scroll wheel menu is green, slap ONE more scrap onto hull anyway. If fuel still leaks, slap ONE extra scrap to each system until it no longer leaks. You are welcome. And YES you have to repair HITMISSILES.
  9. AfricanizedBees

    Should I add sniper hotspots on maps?

    I want to force snieprs to be a little more clever than they think they are. let them hunt for new and more unlikely spots. I want these legacy locations to become highly trafficked until they learn. Also I snipe a lot, so you have my blessing.
  10. AfricanizedBees

    My 5 Cars proof (and motorcycle and tents)

    Now I said server admins have no way within the rules to do this stuff. If some admins are crooked and using scripts on their own servers, which I have no doubt a few jackasses are, that's another story. Root them out and get them exposed if possible.
  11. AfricanizedBees

    My 5 Cars proof (and motorcycle and tents)

    Admins have NO WAY to see where vehicles are on their own servers. The only way would be if someone was running scripts to reveal vehicle locations and very few people are capable of that with the new battleye updates. Admins have no special powers except for server administration. Kicks bans, restarts, setting options.
  12. AfricanizedBees

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    Guys you can use Six Launcher after updating to this new beta. Open it and don't touch the verify button at all. Wait for server list to come up, sort servers by beta version, double click desired server. Enjoy.
  13. AfricanizedBees

    Arma2 patch build 94997 now running on some servers

    This patch is fantastic, I got instantly into any server running it and have yet to see a chain of any color. Looove it.
  14. AfricanizedBees

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Poll added to main topic.
  15. AfricanizedBees

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Sounds like you're not testing it, you're just playing it. Do something useful.