At times, it certainly seems like DayZ only exists to bring out the absolute worst in humanity-all of our paranoia, all of our distrust, all of our ugly survival instincts brought to the forefront of the experience. But sometimes, you experience those moments that make you remember that humanity really isn't such a horrible, back-stabbing species (all of the time, anyway). Recently, I downloaded the DayZ mod known as Namalsk. It was my first time on the map, and there were three other people on the server at the time. I asked a few general questions ("What's different in this mod?"/"Where should I look first?"), and they answered politely. Eventually, one of them disconnected. I was walking around when, all of a sudden, two Bloodsuckers attacked me. I lost about 1/4 of my blood and sprinted toward the nearest tall structure. I ended up SW of the Sebjan Warehouses, at the top of a military tower. There, I found a G36 and three clips, though the bloodsuckers were still at the bottom of the tower. I was about to write off this first life as a dud, lost to the treacherous new island that I was inhabiting. Out of boredom, I said something like: "Wow, two bloodsuckers to start off Namalsk." Then, miraculously, one of the two remaining people said: "Where are you? We're on our way." I was in shock. I had never had anyone (except my real-life friends) go out of their way to save me in DayZ. Eventually, the third person from earlier reconnected. Surprisingly, he happened to have disconnected on the same tower that I was currently inhabiting. We talked it out, and he was friendly. He even gave me painkillers, and I gave him a blood transfusion. Soon, the cavalry arrived, and I could hear two people shooting near the warehouses. Long story short, we killed all of the creatures (zombie or otherwise) in a large area around us before introducing ourselves to one another. Eventually, the four of us made a trip to the Sebjan Mines to look for a tire for our rescuers' Humvee. There, we found a Ural truck, but it was damaged. One of us began to search the nearby buildings and fell from a roof, breaking his legs and dying. Now, this is normally the part where the person becomes angry and says to "STAY TEH HELL AWAY FRUM MY GEER." However, this person was very polite and let us take what he had (which included a silenced G36 and Makarov), as he had spawned across the map. I had to leave at that point, but we all said our goodbyes and said that we would look out for each other in the future. The entire adventure left me with a warm feeling in my heart that maybe, just maybe, DayZ could be a fun experience if everyone simply gave people the benefit of the doubt and didn't shoot each other on sight... Except at NW Airfield... That's my military loot. >:( So, friends, share some of your actual pleasant experiences in the doom and gloom of the zombie apocalypse.