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Toyota (DayZ)

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About Toyota (DayZ)

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  1. I like the idea of gear destruction and the caliber:destruction ratio but I don't think its going to improve the social climate with less food being implemented. If anything more people will want to kill each other since your still likely to grab cans from the dead even if a few are destroyed. Maybe a better idea would be to go with the aforementioned idea of making fewer weapon drops and remove starting weaponry. With the next patch implementing hiding, groups of people have more options when it comes to looting a town. A group of re-spawned player could have one guy act as bait and draw out the zeds while the others loot the town.
  2. Yes I'd like a different sound however, perhaps an odd creepy breathing noise.
  3. Toyota (DayZ)

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    Night time hours should lightened up a bit. Xblackcat's initial point is correct in that its never pitch black in real life. Plus on top of that everyone already turns up their video settings to gain an advantage anyways. So the big changes i'd like to see is make night time hours more realistically brighter (just a smidge more) when its clear out. Obviously if its cloudy lighting conditions should continue to account for this. Now indoors it should be pitch black to allow players to hide and do bad things. The next change in lighting is to fight the gamma correctors by using slamz suggestion in this thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8459&highlight=gamma+correction
  4. Toyota (DayZ)

    Buddy Name Tags

    I like it and it makes sense.
  5. Toyota (DayZ)

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    I like the idea of powering buildings with portable generators but running a power plant and an electric grid is a bit unrealistic. I've worked on the mechanical side of a plant before and I cant imagine a random assortment of people being able to start a boiler plant. Now if you do want to power a small town maybe a larger truck mounted diesel generator could be used. In real life they are reasonably simple and we can just ignore the electrical connection mechanics. Larger portable generators could still offer much of what you were initially talking about.
  6. Toyota (DayZ)

    I dream about dying in DayZ

    Your not alone. Its happened to me. Usually in the dream i'm at that point where myself and a stranger stumble upon each other at the same time and I have to make the bid decision. So far I've always woken up before the events fully unfold and am left with a sickening feeling. Time and again people have claimed that video games cause violent tenancies and studies have always disproved them. DayZ might be the game that proves them right. I'm kidding of course.
  7. Toyota (DayZ)

    Petition to add the Mosin Nagant to Day Z

    Signed. But it's gotta be incredibly loud.
  8. Toyota (DayZ)

    A suggestion to stop rampant killing

    I just started playing for a few day's now and I don't believe the murder rate is abnormally high for the scenario. Playing solo and sticking to small towns inland of the map seems to be the safest route. Entering large cities should be something only done in groups. In order to do this I would like to see some sort of tribe system added in with a basic hierarchy and a unique means of visual identification. This would give players an incentive to be trustful and work together. I'd imagine that with a tribe system we'd see small tent towns be set up around large cities. A whole new layer of tension amongst groups would also arise.
  9. Toyota (DayZ)

    NPC Military Kill Groups.

    I think this would be a great idea. Military NPC's could be added at a few pre-existing military instillation's as a home base. Then convoys could visit nearby villages in order to perform purges of all living things. For better equipped players this would give them something to work up to and the less equipped could wait out the convoys and loot towns with fewer zed's.