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About LambsParade

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  1. LambsParade

    Would You?

    Reminds me of how I broke up with my girlfriend in Highschool....if it smells bad, you must be doing it right. and yes I fuck zombies...those crawlers have incredible hands.
  2. LambsParade

    Dayz Performance

    dayz runs quite odd for me too... I get 60 frames 90% of the time on ultra at 1440P. I run with a AMD 3.2 ghz 6 core CPU and a Geforce 560 2gb. The only issue that I have noticed is that when I scope in on the grass about 10 m in front of me my FPS drops to about 20ish. Besides that the game runs quite well. I tried lowering my resoultion but that only helped slightly.
  3. LambsParade

    Your highest Zombie body count.

    Im at about 520 zed kills 0 murders :) I usally try to help random solo guys but i stay away from groups. Been alive 20 days in game. I may just respawn soon...sort of want to see what starting with no weopon is like.
  4. LambsParade

    alternate transportation?

    I would love to do an push shove it into a group of zeds. Sounds like a good idea to me.
  5. LambsParade

    Can't find crashed helicopters.

    For my experiance, Find crashed helis at night seems to be easier. Some helis have a glitch where the machine gun attached the side is stuck in "fire". This provides light which is how i sually find them. I used to never check them because i heard if the gun is stuck in fire it won't have loot. But i checked one a few days ago and even tho the gun was gltiched I still found loots. Good luck bro.
  6. I don't think people appreciate the graphics in this game. I can't think of any other game that simulates a huge terrain like this game. games like Skyrim and Just Cause 2 come close' date=' but not quite.. . [/quote'] I'm sorry Very high. I assumed you understood me. when I say "Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game." I don't mean its horrible looking its just a little low par for a game that was around in 2009. Half llife 2 has its moments but its also a breeze to run on Ultra/Very High. Arma has some engine issues. I do enjoy the lighting at times. IMO Skyrim destroys this game in graphics and is easyier to run.
  7. I would suggest getting used to it for now. Its bound to never stop happening. Its bad luck that that happened to you but "shit happens". In a game where you always come back where you quit it will never stop happening. If anything it gets you more hours out of mod and ifor the people who bought ARMA for dayz then then are getting your moneys worth. In a game like this it will always happen :) Every game will always have certain problems and this is one of them.
  8. Im running the game on ultra with a gtx 560 2gb card and a AMD 3.2 GHZ 6 core processor. I assume a I7 laptop with a decent card could run this without problems. But like said before this game is not even worth ultra. Its nothing special. Reminds me of Half Life 2 graphics......2004 game. Arma has some great gameplay tho.
  9. LambsParade

    Night or Day?

    You my friend are the few funny people on the internet.
  10. LambsParade

    Night or Day?

    I miss the feeling of being scared shitless of gunfire in cherno at night. Now i run through cherno with a flare searching for action :)
  11. Complaing about server hoppers is like complaing about "Campers" in popular FPS titles. It sucks to be killed in a crappy way but it will always happen. Just get over it, get some gear, and kill the hoppers :) Hardcore cod/bf3 players adjust thier playing to adapt to these situations (campers). If your in NWAF be alert and you may get some free kills. sorry for referance COD..I know people rage about that.
  12. LambsParade

    Stop modeling DayZ after 28Days Later

    Only during the 1.7.4 day I found the zombies to be crazy hard to sneak by. I think they're fine and I don't see an issue with shooting zombies in a zombie survivor game. Maybe just gear up and go guns blazin. Thats what I do. Next time your in a city...think about trying to make the world a safer place and shoot some Zeds.
  13. I have only found 1 (with loot) and I have 150+ hours in game. I think your just getting lucky or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. I hope you made the world of dayz a little safer with all those weopons of yours.
  14. I think his goal is to make a zombie apocalypse video game. Yea the side chat being gone does suck but it does make it more realistic and some people enjoy that. I would suggest maybe finding a group and you won't feel so alone. You can play 20 hours of this game by yourself and you will get bored. But join a group and you will 300+ hours of fun times.