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About animation303

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Created in a science accident. Doesn't wear pants. Dreams in code.
  1. animation303

    Can't run DayZ!

    might as well try to run it on a raspberry pi
  2. animation303

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    protip: if you want realism, go the fuck outside. Don't complain and ruin a VIDEO GAME for other people just because you want a normal boring life in a zombie apocalypse simulator
  3. animation303

    Where is the HUD

    I think it should be a server option, like in the mod currently you can select crosshairs on/off, nameplates on/off.. etc Just to keep the elitist snobs and the cod crybabies happy :P (ok I might be taking the piss a bit, but thats what it comes across as) :D
  4. animation303

    Changed graphics now cant play

    Hit start, click Documents, go to DayZ folder, delete DayZ.cfg file, restart game This sets everything but your controls back to defaults, you will have to change your resolution to match your computers settings, unless they are automatically detected.
  5. animation303

    Persistent objects

    Never mind, I just read in the next update that they are implementing H barriers anyway <_<
  6. animation303

    Persistent objects

    I run a DayZ Epoch server, so I dont know if this is the right place to put this. I am trying to implement a system where players can buy certain base peices (H barriers and the like) from a trader, and put them somewhere, and have them save between restarts. I have the custom trader put in, you can buy stuff off him, you can move them around (with R3F logistics) but they never update their position in the database. Writing to hives is something I havent been able to find out yet, does anyone have any suggestions? or could possibly point me in the right direction? Thanks :) :beans:
  7. animation303

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    I would just like to say thank you for these tips. I run on a IBM server running a Intel Xeon E5335 2.0ghz Quad Core on an Intel server board, with 8gb FB-DDR2, and a GT 630 2GB in a x8 pci-e 1.1 slot, and I get a decent 25-30 fps on medium settings while playing Wasteland. Before I did any of this optimising, I would be lucky to get 10. Beans for you, a lot of beans.
  8. I have a server with dayz.st, trying to figure out what half the tables do in the database, and there is nowhere AFIAK that has it in simple terms, or complicated terms for that matter. For instance, the 'messages' database, what do the fields do? I wonder if anyone has a link to something along these lines, I have googled and cannot find any straight answers.