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About McAllen97

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  1. McAllen97


    does not work, just downloaded and updated,still the same may, at the launch of the label should be registered version?
  2. McAllen97


    I play through DayZ Commander,when I run game through the shortcut I go to the multiplayerand when I choose the server writes the old version, run through the shortcut for mod FPSHelper and parameters"MaxMem,СpuCont".. Prompt how to start the game through the shortcut that-be was the last version,I have already updated through dayzсommadner Again version through DayZcommander Upgrade to the latest, and the server comes through DayZcommadner
  3. McAllen97

    Save equipment

    Nope save I was on all sides scrolled,automatic can not be because it after restart disappears
  4. McAllen97

    Save equipment

    Hello,me and my friend built camp,technique led,as it is now to save it? that is not lost after RESTAR?
  5. McAllen97


  6. McAllen97


    Hello,Our Friends missing tent nd Technology,it was not for the card disappeared after restart,We were alone on the server, After the restart she'll be back?
  7. McAllen97

    new laptop

    After much agonizing weak a computer, I finally decided to buy a new one of these characteristics will draw Arma 2 oa Day z, Intel® Core™ I5-2450M 2.5GHz-core 4 GT540M 2Gb SATA 500 Гб Ram 3 Gb
  8. McAllen97


    Is there a way to use textures Arma 2 free for arma 2 Oa Because it when zapsuke game Arma 2 free have no lag at all but when you start arma oa terrible lag
  9. McAllen97


    Well, then, how to replace the texture of Arma 2 for Arma 2 op? There is a way to do so than Lagan
  10. McAllen97


    In my previous theme of Mr.mZLY told me to play w The use of Arma 2 free NOT operation arrow,please tell me how to do this I need to game performance I bought .. well, or start from the textures arma II free Please help
  11. McAllen97

    File to disable the grass

    mZLY,А можно поподробнее?Я не знаю как это сделать,я играю в Day Z через обе армы,тоесть я записал Арма 2 и Арма 2 Операция стрела а потом через Day Z Commader Установил сам мод Day Z And can be more? I do not know how to do it, I play Give h through both Armagh, ie I wrote Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrow and then through Day Z commandr Installed the mod
  12. McAllen97

    File to disable the grass

    Ну я понял что отключения травы это считается читерское ок,а как насчет файла для понижения текстур деревье??это же не какое преимущество не дает... Well, I realized that it is off the grass cheating OK, but what about the file to reduce the texture of the wood? It's not what advantage does not ...
  13. McAllen97

    File to disable the grass

    Почему?он же был для увелечения фпс?в гайдах?ну ладно а файл для ухудшения графики деревьв? Why? He was also to increase the setpoint FPS? Hyde? Okay and the file to the deterioration derevv graphics?
  14. Здравствуйте,я слышал существует какой-то файл для отключения травы в игре,можете его выложить сюда??У меня FPS очень маленький.. А так же для ухудшения графики деревьев Hello, I have heard there is a file to disable the grass in the game, you can put it here? FPS I have a very small .. And as for the deterioration of graphics file tree