Kirito's application - In-game name: Kirito(Cure-e-toe) Age:Turning 13 in about a month. Location and Time Zone: Canada, British Colombia. (PST) How long have you played ArmA?: A month or so after DayZ (See below) How long have you played DayZ?: I originally bought DayZ (A2 CO) around April this year. What skills do you possess that may help the group?: Leadership, strategy and a jack of most trades. Do you have the time to spend with the group (minimum 2 days a week): Yes. Is there anything interesting about you?: Nothing really, just an average kid. Anything you want us to know?: I'd like to be included. In another clan I planned on joining, they did nothing, no playing DayZ, just screwing around. I'm also not always 100% able to use my microphone due to my mom "not trusting" people online. Also, I'm not a huge squeaker or xx360proscopeOpTiKscopepro360xx.