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About sofadrengen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sofadrengen

    old post

    name = mathias jensen in game name = ejer - i am going to change that ... age=15 skype name = mathiasjensen50 played 1½ month + skills , pilot, flanker i dont really have any profered role favorite weapon = all kind of assault rifles... im danish ... i am good navigator and im goot at using compass and stuff ...
  2. sofadrengen

    Swedish Bandit Squad Need New Recruits

    ^^ also ! i dont really know the taviana but you can teach me if you want to ...
  3. sofadrengen

    Swedish Bandit Squad Need New Recruits

    im 15 years old... i have (only) played dayz for 1½ month ... when i play by my self i normal try to team up with guys i find when i spawn in but if i dont find any i just go by my self ... i am good at playing with a team ... im like ... if i want to be friendly i am if not the other guy is dead ...
  4. sofadrengen

    Looking to start a group

    i might also wanna play with you .... what is the server name?
  5. im also looking for guys that can make fun of all kinda stuff but you also want to be serious when it is needed ...
  6. Hey my name is Mathias im 15 years old and i live in the denmark (scandinavia) and it would be great if you dont live too far away cuz of the time ... - i have only had the game for 1½ month or so but i know a lot about the game anyway - i think you sould at least be 13 years old... :D