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Everything posted by #pree

  1. #pree

    Hacker haven

    Hackers don't hack for the sake of hacking. They do it to piss off people who don't and cherish their tears. A dedicated server won't change anything. If your not actively working on AC, the best you can do is to not give them what they want..a reaction. Same goes for griefers. Example: Played with a friend the other day...he shoots somebody with gear, looking forward to some tears, but the victim remained silent. rough quote " well wtf...hes not saying anything...i just shot him and nothing...how boring"
  2. #pree

    Hackers still hacking?

    There will always be hacking. Anticheat software is always reactive, meaning a new hack has to be used before any AC software can be updated.
  3. For BEST, the sky is the ceiling..If you max everything and go absolute topshelf, you can spend 25k on a pc. 1500 bucks gets you a good system. On top of that, moving relatively recent pc only titles to console is pretty much impossible...the hardware simply cannot handle it. Consoles, at this point, are about 6 years behind pc technology and even the next gen consoles coming in 2013 will already be 3 years behind by the time the launch.
  4. I once met 2 players in 2 different lives that asked if i was friendly, to which i promptly replied i was. Both times i had nicer gear than them and it just so happened that once they had a visual on me and i on them, they chose to shoot me about 5 sec later, presumably once they figured that i had more shinies than them. The first guy shot me in the back, i got to return fire on the second guy and both of us died. I still don't get why the server would cuss me out as a beanbaby when i acted purely in self-defense. I did spend about 2 weeks living at the NWA and had plenty of fun there. Many good firefights, some more memorable than others. I like the interactions at the hotspots a lot better because there is less guessing involved..you are pretty much guaranteed that everybody is there to shoot people. Now i keep to myself and if i see people i may shadow them for a lengthy time or i may go the other way, i may shoot them or i may not. Most times i feel its more rewarding to know you could have killed somebody than actually do it.
  5. #pree

    Backpacks and you/me?

    no point to it really. unless you somehow lose your patrol pack and its the first new one you find.
  6. #pree

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    Of the 110 hours i played thus far, i would confidently guess that i am at around 90 nighttime hours. I am undecided on the new beta patch. I was one of the gammawhores, but only because if you weren't doing it, everybody else was. Perhaps now i can enjoy the nighttime ambience without being at a massive disadvantage.
  7. #pree

    Flashlight on Guns

    Not since the last beta(s) they are not. Why is that? After the arma2 beta with the tonal mapping change, max hdr, gamma and brightness now look like this...not my screen btw, but its the same for me ingame.
  8. #pree

    Flashlight on Guns

    Not since the last beta(s) they are not.
  9. #pree

    Flashlight on Guns

    I was thinking the same thing when i found a military flashlight. Not sure about the regular light, but wouldn't a "military" version have a better chance of being attached to a weapon? Mind you i don't know anything about real weapons so i cannot speak on realism.
  10. #pree

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    These threads are retarded. Even if DayZ had the ability to shut down all voice comms, i would simply run it on my laptop or second pc. Most people i know through gaming have more than one system.
  11. #pree

    Backpacks and you/me?

    When you find a pack, you can always chose to open it and it will display the number of free slots. So an 8 slot pack will display 8/8.
  12. #pree

    I've Been Alive For 17 Days

    While i do chose to play every life i get a different way, i seem to be going through certain stages along the way. -At spawn i have a the best time acquiring all the basics with minimal gear. -Then you get mediocre gear and a few basics..start being more aggressive. -Eventually i get shinies and turn into a paranoid sociopath. -Then i get bored and start living in Stary/NWA/NEA full time and eventually die. Rinse and repeat lol. I am currently in between 3 and 4.
  13. I think having certain hotspots for select items adds quite a bit to the mod. There is a lot of extra thrill to be felt and more risk to be taken to aquire certain items. My previous life i lived at the NWA for 2 weeks and had a great deal of fun, this time around i am more of a hermit and have to plot routes around hotspots and be extra careful around the corridors between them. The way it is now, you can actually make a conscious decision if you want to be more solitary or if you want a firefight. Feel like some action? Go to the northern airfield or stary. And besides, military loot is already scattered all over the map in form of deer stands and helicopter crashes. Any more random military loot and the whole map would become a wash.
  14. #pree

    Hunting should be more challenging

    wrong thread lol..had more windows open
  15. YES! It will work well with the Zombie changes in 1.7.1 and guns are abundant everywhere as it is.
  16. And yes, all primary weapons use 10 slots.
  17. #pree

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    you should never have to mess about in the registry. rename the stock OA file, copy and paste the beta executable in the OA root, along with setting steam launch options takes care of it all.
  18. Open your steam, go to library. On the bottom left select add game, add non-steam game and add OA..once thats done you can launch OA through steam and thus get the overlay.
  19. #pree

    1.7 download

    Frontpage, download section on top left
  20. Just stay a few feet away from the wall for now...problem circumvented.
  21. #pree

    ammunition locations m24

    ^ and barracks as well.
  22. #pree

    ammunition locations m24

    Your best is to search for M24 magazines at any military location in the game. Deer Stands, Tents, Hangars, Control Towers and Fire Stations. Military loot can spawn residential, industrial and office buildings as well, although at a percentage lower than the magazine alone has to appear at a military spawn.
  23. #pree

    When do you decide Friendly or Bandit?

    The first two times i communicated to people that i was friendly, i was shot on sight. Nowadays i treat everybody as hostile until proven dead.