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Everything posted by jackdstripper

  1. so i've been playing this game since 1.6 patch and i must say, with the latest spawning without gun/beens/flares/water bottle, with zombies inside buildings now camping the spawns, with zombies opening doors and climbing ladders, almost no guns anywere, no food anywere, and an overall increase in zombies presence this game is becoming more of a chore then fun. yesterday i got a friend of mine to finaly try it after telling him for a week how good it was. we ended up spending 2 hours crawling through a town only to find a pile of wood and some car parts (and me braking a leg while exiting the front door of a house...?!....),needless to say my friend was not impressed. i can understand why you now start without anything but finding useful stuff should not be this hard especially when 80% of buildings are not even open. hopefully this will be changed in future patches. until then i'll probably play something else.
  2. jackdstripper

    So rocket... is it Day-Zed or Daisy?

    Nope, they are based in the Czech Republic. Rocket is from New Zealand. ..aaww what?! not American?....this game sucks now :P
  3. have to agree with this. i've pulled zombies that were arround a whole house just because i was crouching instead of prone. they didn't see me but they must have heard me because they came running arround the corner. so annoying...how am i supposed to know they are even there if i can't see them? it's kind of retarded how insane the aggro is right now unless you go prone ABSOLUTELY everywere. the added zombies inside buildings don't help either. the mechanic should definately be adjusted so you have to use a mix of prone/crouch/stand still upright.
  4. jackdstripper

    DayZ has turned me into a monster...

    na man. you've always been a monster just waiting for Dayz to unleash you :D
  5. jackdstripper

    Yo dawg

    the idea that you want to hotfix while i'm hotfixing really makes my hotfixing fizzle.
  6. jackdstripper

    Be or not to be friendly?

    but there is a penalty....you are out a whole 3 bullets. that shit can be hard to find.
  7. jackdstripper

    Be or not to be friendly?

    survival rule #1: be friendly only with those that have no guns survival rule #2: be friendly only with those that have better guns :P
  8. jackdstripper

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    i like the idea of natural blood regen. if your hunger and thirst are green it should be fast, if you are thirsty/hungry it should get slower. i still believe you should be able to regain at least half your blood in 1 hour of ingame time. i know that's pretty fast but if you make in painfully slow then it should continue even while you're offline.
  9. you same here man. i was actually excited for 1.7.1 because all of a sudden i was getting great fps, but of course i couldn't find any weappons/food. then they ninja patched it with and now i can find weappons/food but my fps are shit again. sad panda is sad.
  10. maybe the "cooldown timer" when changing between servers (lets say 15 minutes or half an hour) should only effect servers you've already been on. that way you are not penalizing people for trying to go onto a different server but you are only penalizing people that hop back and forth between the same servers to reposition themselves.
  11. that doesnt really work either. in a group you can still have one guy walk a few hundred meters away from the fight (so he isn't within shooting range) then he logs off. he logs on different server. he positions himself where his buddies tell him the enemy is. he then logs back onto the first server and spawns behind enemy lines. you either put a "cooldwon" timer when changing between servers (annoying as hell when you are trying to find a server that is not night), or make people lose stuff in they log onto a different server from the one they are playing. otherwise people will server hop whenever it's conveinent. PS; EvE is NOT a good example since there is only one server.
  12. you either wait for the same server to reopen or you have to find your friends again. you do not lose loot, but you will all be spawned in random places. it's harsh but it works. i dont see a lot of ther fixes. PS; the only other option is that you lose your weappon when you change server. keep all your loot but lose the weappon, so you spawn in the same palce but you are weapponless.
  13. this is a big problem, and absolutely needs to fixed if this mod is ever to be succesful. if you change server you keep your equipment but you should be spawned in a random location. you want to keep your location? stay on the same server. if you choose to change server you get spawned in a random location in the world (different from starting spawns by the beach, but still random).
  14. jackdstripper

    Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

    running a dual core 3.16GHz with a GTX460 Overclocked and have the same problem: good fps but game freezes every 15 to 30 seconds for a good 1 or 2 seconds. no idea how to fix.
  15. jackdstripper

    Hands up if the game is too Easy.

    So rather than have a debate or put why you think 'x' mechanic its better than 'z' mechanic' date=' put type some mellow-dramatic dribble that's totally irrelevant. did the OP say he wants there to be an actual physical effect from playing the game? i don't think so. What are you trying to say here while trying to be humorous? because your failing at both. [/quote'] ouch man!....that really hurt. is that what you are trying to do here? hurt me? why u so violent man?
  16. jackdstripper

    Hands up if the game is too Easy.

    fuck yea it's too easy! i still have all my hair and nails every time i log off....lame! i want my computer to singe my friken eyebrows everytime i miss a shot! i want my mouse to electrify my every time i am spotted in the game! i want my chair to eject me 20 feet in the air every time i even think about screwing up! this easy carebear stuff is so boring.... ....lolz.
  17. i can't find shit. no weappons. no drink/food. no nothing. i've found more car parts then guns or food :S waited arround usual spawn points for hours and nothing, and absolutely every single building has a shit load of zombies arround it. the only usable loot i've found so far is from other dead players. personally i find this version to be waaaayyyy to difficult as it is right now. i can understand starting without a gun, but not being able to find absolutely anything it's just retarded.
  18. ok so not only do we get no starting gun, no water bottle, no beens, no flares, no nothing.....not only do zombes aggro from a mile away now, and chase you forever.....almost every single house or place that's supposed to have spawns is almost always empty! wtf man?! i hate QQuing but this is borderline rediculous. i understand hard, but this is almost stupid. you went a little over the top with this one Rocket.
  19. jackdstripper

    impossible to find anything?!

    so the no spawns is a bug? if i relog spawn will reappear?
  20. jackdstripper

    impossible to find anything?!

    well it was aready quite challenging staying alive before this patch, but now it's besically impossible. the worst part is after hours of sneaking you finaly find a house that you can enter or one of those big "barn" things that used to have a few item spawns and there is absolutely no spawsn anywere......i mean wtf is the point of playing at this point? you can't kill zombies...you can't run away....you can't find anything....you can't defend yourself from players.....you get thirsty and hungry and die. might as well keep dieing quickly untill, by total luck, you are spawned where you can find a gun and then go kill players onthe beach for bandages.... not fun.
  21. jackdstripper

    Getting in a game then back to server list?

    if this is your first time trying to get into the game then make sure you are not getting a "Battleye connection failed" red message at the left bottom corner when you get to the multiplayer setup screen. i used to have the same problems when i was trying to get into Dayz for the first time. it whould either get stuck at the black screen or kick me back to the servers menu. had to reinstall Battleye. had to make sure Steam was started as admin, (also make sure you have run the actual Arma 2 at least once) and then i had to try at least 20 servers before one actually let me in. somehow after i got in once it got easier and easier to log onto servers. also i use 6 launcher to launch the game, if you dont have it better get it.
  22. jackdstripper

    Ultra slow FPS

    there are people running quad cores with 570 graphic cards that are having troubles keeping good frame rates. the problem is that Arma is a very poorly optimized game to begin with and Dayz is still in alpha stage. so really all you can do is wait until they fix stuf or get a much much better computer (and even tehn you'll more then likely have problems).
  23. jackdstripper

    Can't talk in global

    to be fair, yes, the sticky is there but it's more confusing then anything.after reading it last week i was still convinced i was missing some sort of beta build or something before reading this thread. somebody should fix that sticky and plainly write: "Global chat was removed in the latest patches and only those that are still playing with old version of the game are still able to use it." not sure why you need all that other info.
  24. jackdstripper

    Really Odd Lag? Help if possible?

    same boat as you mate. i've only started playing this game last week and i've had thist intermittent lag all the time. mine is even more frequent then yours. i belive you can go into the actual arma game and tweek the graphics options a bit more to get a bit better preformance, but this game is very badly optimized and even people with incredible rigs have a terrible time running it. you have to keep in mind it's in Alpha stage...not even Beta yet.