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About xaronax

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  1. xaronax

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hey Sumrak. I asked you on Twitter about changing module variables. What I want to do is adjust the lighting in the AII underground lab, and I see in the PDFs which variables need to be changed, and what they need to be changed to. Here are my questions: 1. Which files to I change? Where do I find the variables? 2. Are these variables in a PBO? Do I need to unpack and repack? Will I need to make a new signature file? 3. Will clients need modified files? I hate to ask for a step by step guide, but I can't figure it out and everyone I ask doesn't know either. I wish I knew more about how the mod system works. Thanks for the awesome mod and hard work. I really appreciate it.
  2. xaronax

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Looks awesome Sumrak. Where can we check to see when you release it? Can't wait to put it on my server.
  3. Hey guys. I've had a Lingor Island server set up for a couple of weeks now. We've got a bunch of enthusiastic people already calling it home, and I'd like to increase our population by inviting everyone to join us. I'm renting a monster of a dedicated machine, so the login times and lag are almost non-existent. 8 cores, 16gb of RAM, and hopefully an SSD next month if donations keep going the way they have been. I've banned over 2 dozen people for attempting to script. I'm using all custom exceptions and monitoring tools to keep the skiddies out. I've added the Lingor Units mod (found here[1] ) to spice things up a bit. There are a bunch of Police APCs and armored jeeps running around right now, as well as a MiG trainer jet and a Cessna prop plane. There's a bunch of other stuff too, but I don't want to give away all the surprises. Speaking of vehicles, I currently have between 70 and 80 in the server at any given time. This includes 3 helicopters. I've changed all of the vehicle spawn points to custom locations to encourage actual exploration instead of just using dayzdb or something. I've been spending 20-30 hours a week on server related stuff, and have gotten a ton of positive feedback for being an active admin. I reboot the server 2 or 3 times a day to keep the login and respawns quick, but even after being up for 12+ hours it's still faster than most servers (20-30 seconds at the most) to log in or respawn. I'm very open to suggestions about tweaking things to make it more fun. I enjoy a challenge, so the difficulty is currently on Veteran, with 3rd person enabled but crosshairs off. Personally I hate 3rd person, but it's the most popular option. This is rapidly turning into a wall of text, so I'll try to wrap it up. We've had a couple of events on the server controlled by myself and a few friends. Assassination missions, airstrikes, and other stuff. It's been a lot of fun. I hope to do one this evening if we can get enough people to make it worthwhile. One more thing; I have sole access to the database, and I am extremely proud of the integrity and trustworthiness that I am known for. I will never exploit this access like some other servers for personal gain. I do not view the coordinates of vehicles, tents, or players. I also do not edit my inventory or the inventory of any other players (exceptions include donators and special events). I will never kick you for killing me. I will never roll back the server if you find my tent. I hear nightmares about admins on other servers, and have experienced it personally. I hope you'll give the server a shot. I plan on running a Chernarus or Takistan/Fallujah map if we get enough people to fill it. Happy Hunting! TL;DR: We have an awesome Lingor server. Check out our website at http://odmdls.weebly.com[2] and come try it. Also, here's one of my guys jumping over our chopper in a UAZ. http://youtu.be/xWhkbH7cjKI?hd=1[3] Note: This is a copy and paste of my reddit post because i'm lazy busy.
  4. xaronax

    Vehicle thermal image?

    So much fail in this thread. They're completely black/purple if they haven't been driven in a while. They heat up to white almost immediately after starting them though. Even bicycles will be dark until someone has driven them around a bit.
  5. xaronax

    My Location on the Map

    Are you retarded? Head bob is a fucking game option. You can turn it off. 3rd person is for shitty morons who can't fucking accept a level playing field. Sitting behind a goddam wall and being able to see over it is bullshit.
  6. Same thing happening to me. Resets all character info, including my backpack. Happens in the same way as OP. Getting really, really old.
  7. xaronax

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    Step 1: Go to NW AF and sit in woods near barracks. Step 2: Throw chemlights into and around the barracks. They show up bright as hell on NVGs, even outside their view distance. Step 3: Wait for someone to go into the barracks looking for you. Step 4: Throw a flare, which immediately blinds the fuck out of them. Step 5: ????? Step 6: Profit.
  8. xaronax

    Nuke / Targeted Attack on US 10

    Entire squad got wiped by this asshole. Lost my 14 day character with L85 and literally every tool you could possibly carry. So did most of my team. Thanks for the hard work Lazer, let me know if you need any other info from me.
  9. BRA2 Server, hosted by CoalizaoBrasil.com Required: * Server this happened on: BRA2 Server, hosted by CoalizaoBrasil.com * Time that it happened including your timezone: ~10:50 Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) Monday 6/25/2012. * What happened during the incident: We had just logged in to start gearing up for an airfield raid (myself, 2 RL friends, and my brother) and were moving around our camp in complete darkness. The server was getting laggier and laggier (which we assume is due to people scripting in vehicles and gear in mass quantity) so we were about to switch to another server when we noticed everyone on the server dying very rapidly. In the 10 seconds I hesitated before logging out of the server, someone teleported into our camp (zero chance of sneaking up, we had L85 + thermal on overwatch in a bush) and instantly killed all of us. We never heard a single gunshot, and the person on overwatch never saw anyone but us in the area. He died less than 3 seconds after we did. I really hesitate to claim that it's a hacker, but with the precautions we take to avoid people sneaking up on our camp (which we just moved today in total darkness) prevents this sort of thing from happening if the enemy is using legitimate tactics. Thank you. We will begin re-acquiring equipment, but we're all pretty bummed about losing a Ural full of some of the best guns in the game.