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Everything posted by petite

  1. Well if you search a server that provide you challenge and fun, nice Admins and awesome community, well established for a year with 3 servers heavily scripted and good FPS. We wont give you any gift just to have new players, we prefere letting you have the fun of looting, going in mission, killing AI.... Its not a problem to get briefcases, or building supplies with our missions. Features; Starting Loadout Spawn Selection Snaping Pro Sell from Vehicle (Chernarus OverPoch Only) Deployable (Bike/mozzie/little bird/moped) Side Missions Ikea Treasur Hunt NewTowns/Roads (more than 15 km of new road on both Chernarus) MilitaryBases Roaming AI (only on NO PVP) SelfBB Study Body Crash Site Tow/lift Service Point Take Clothes Flip Vehicle indestructible base Safe Zone (Chernarus PVP only) Fully militarized (Napf only) New traders (both Chernarus) Death Message 4 hours restart Side Chat allowed in all our server AntiHack Team Speak Awesome community Active Admins chernarus++ Epoch PVP;2802 chernarus++ OverPoch NO PVP napf Epoch NO PVP If you think NO PVP is boring and can provide you challenge, than you better to try it. http://theextermination.enjin.com/home
  2. DayZ Overpoch, a mod adding many features of DayZ Overwatch to DayZ Epoch, has become very popular recently. But running a couple servers myself (DayZ Extermination), I can't help but notice the vast majority of attempts to connect to our Overpoch server end in failure (disconnect) not even time to get in the lobby and its like that for lots OverPoch servers. Its hard to know what's causing the issues. With the collapse of Gamespy (the company previously used to keep track of the servers) there were updates to Arma2 and Battleye. And the DayZ community its self seems to lack any real structure...consisting mainly of hard to search forum posts. With that in mind I thought it would be a good idea to add yet another post about connecting to overpoch. ARMA2 and its DLC: (you can usually skip this If you use dayz commander or dayz launcher) ================ First things first, you have to make sure Arma2 and its DLC (DownLoadable Content like Arma2:Operation Arrowhead...) are installed properly. Updates are now through steam. If you had a non-steam version, you may or may not be able to convert it. More on that here... http://dayzlauncher.com OR DayZ Commander from here http://www.dayzcommander.com (the REAL download link is at the bottom of the page) DayZ Launcher:(highly recommended much better and easy to use) Once you have DayZ Launcher installed, click MODS (top left). It will display a list of DayZ mods. Download Overwatch and Epoch. I'd suggest you verify the downloads. DayZ Commander: Once you have DayZ Commander installed, click INSTALL/UPDATE (top right) and Download Overwatch/Epoch from there. In the setting add that additional launch parameter -mod=@DayZOverwatch As with DayZ Launcher, I'd suggest you verify the files. We saw so many players in 2 months trying joining OverPoch servers but get kicked just before getting in the lobby for error...... And post on the different forum is just not clear for most of them, you have here a good explanation which helped lots players we know to enjoy the Mod. If you need a server that provide you challenge and fun we have that. You can find us Chernarus Epoch No PVP Napf Epoch No PVP Fully Militarised Chernarus OverPoch No PVP Don't think because its No PVP you wont have challenge. If you have trouble joining the OverPoch server, send me a message (Petite) on our website http://theextermination.enjin.com/home
  3. We host 2 NO PVP Epoch server and 1 PVP Overpoch. Epoch Napf NO PVP;2602 for players that like hardcore playing and challenge with Roaming AI, Bandit Island, North and south airfield controlled by Bandit. Tanks/Jets/rocket launchers Available at super hero trader, also used by AI. Epoch Chernarus NO PVP;2502 with a new town called Pesha controlled by Bandit, NWAF Bandit Camp, many building added on the map. For who likes PVP Chernarus Overpoch;2802
  4. Dayz commander, lol you know gamespy shutdown and now players use dayz launcher, thats why you will never found our server on commander or most server. DL it and you will found our 3 server. Soon dayz commander will not exist anymore.
  5. Hi is there anybody know how adding the aircraft carrier, I found a script for it but nothing said where to put it and what to do. Thanks
  6. petite

    Aircraft carrier

    Yes I want adding it to my server.
  7. petite

    Battle eye

    Battle eye is the worst piece of crap I ever see. Now today every players get kicked from the server for that,; has been kicked by BattlEye: Failed to update I also have that random message and don,t know whats that and didn't find information about it; IMPORTANT: Server admins now have to convert their BE filter files to a new regex-compatible format and put "//new" into the files' first line. Details: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167504-Regular-Expression-%28Regex%29-Support-for-BE-Filters Can someone help me please.
  8. petite

    Battle eye

    Well I never seen battle eye working properly so. Ok then we have to update it, hope it will work good after. Thanks
  9. I would like to know where I can disable it. Since the 1.0.4 it seem that battle eye is worse than ever. Today my players got kicked for this reason ..... has been kicked by BattlEye: Failed to update Players got kicked often for this too and sometime its like 5-6 players in the same time .... has been kicked by BattlEye: Client not responding and I also got that message on dart and didn't find info about it: IMPORTANT: Server admins now have to convert their BE filter files to a new regex-compatible format and put "//new" into the files' first line. Details: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167504-Regular-Expression-%28Regex%29-Support-for-BE-Filters I wonder and I hope somebody can answer me if its possible to run the server without using Battle eye? And what can happen if we do. Thanks
  10. Whats about if we have a problem with a player that we banned and keep coming over and over using the banned player connect messages a messaging system, trying to say bad things about the server and coax people over to the server he plays on, (changing his name to a new message each reconnect) connecting and reconnecting for sometime more than an hour at a time. Was banned for douchebaggery Very annoying for our players. I can send the dart log if its necessary
  11. petite

    Problem with a banned player

    Player like that cannot be global ban for harrasement?
  12. petite


    Whats about if we have a problem with a player that we banned and keep coming over and over using the banned player connect messages a messaging system, trying to say bad things about the server and coax people over to the server he plays on, (changing his name to a new message each reconnect) connecting and reconnecting for sometime more than an hour at a time. Very annoying for our players. I can send the dart log if its necessary
  13. I play on a server and they need some admin to help. So I did dl http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68933-dart-a-lightweight-dayz-rcon-tool-v09-06032013/ then enter host, port and password but I got that message all the time "Failed To Connect. Please Make Sure That You Probely Set A Password in beserver.cfg. So talking to the guy about it he gave me the same information but it still not working for me, also my bf tried on his pc and we are not in the same country and its not working for him either. So please somebody can help with that, I would appreciate it. Thanks Sorry for my english not perfect.
  14. nope he gave me the information 3 time and it didn,t work at all.