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Everything posted by maizel

  1. Same happened to me today on #35.
  2. You forget, bandits never act in a way that is likely to get them killed. Sniping from a bush > handgrenade Trollers however..... yes, they might be very lucky :D. If it was me, I might have been tempted if I happened to have a hand grenade, and i'm not even much of a bandit, or troller.
  3. maizel

    let the hopper wars begin

    I don't like hoppers.
  4. I do agree the game needs more stuff to do.
  5. maizel

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    Seriously. of all the problems this game has at the moment, you stopped playing because you couldn't find a shiny gun?
  6. I agree with OP that this community is one of the worst I've seen so far. Any suggestion gets met with buckets full of elitist crap. I'd like to see some changes in the game. I'm sure Rocket will make the game as he likes, but I don;t see anything wrong in discussing these matters.
  7. maizel

    So ... I found a MLRS.

    I would never leave that server, ever.
  8. maizel

    When do you decide Friendly or Bandit?

    After being backstabbed and shot numerous times over half depleted spawning gear, I just assume everybody is hostile.
  9. maizel

    I Am Pumped (ArmA 3 Article)

    I was pumped for Arma II but it turned out to be quite technically shabby. 50 fps on a 580 does not say much when no settings are mentioned. Also I find a 580 quite steep for 50 fps. Nothing exotic, as the author says, but I think the avarage gamer has a card less powerful. I hope they make the game a bit more Crossfire and SLI friendly as well.