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Everything posted by maizel

  1. maizel

    Storage and hording

    Im pretty sure 80% of those people bragging hop until they drop.
  2. maizel

    My 2 cents (

    Why complain about getting an hatchet? Hatchet is by far the most overpowered zombie defence weapon in the game. Unlimited spamability,one hit kills, absolutely silent, so no chance of attracting hordes when triggering a lone zombie. you find them ABSOLUTELY everywhere, and to boot, they take up NO inventory space and you dont have to worry about ammo.
  3. maizel

    DayZ's epic moments

    Have you noticed that out of the three post you've made, you have insulted people in two of them? Just saying.
  4. maizel

    Niemands "Cleaning a Village aka Settling down"

    I like the ideas. I wouldn;t mind at all if something like this would get implemented in a proper fashion. But I think player run areas like this would probably require the game to hold a bit more people at the same time.
  5. I think the wood and matches suffice. I wouldn't mind it, as long as not every house ends up with a stove as this would make wood/matches redundant.
  6. maizel

    DayZ's epic moments

    Running around a beach shooting unarmed people? Yeah, real epic dude.
  7. Seeing that every doorway on the map has at least 4 barbed wires in front of it, and the fact that I've never seen sandbags, I;d say barbed wire is preferred overall. :P
  8. maizel

    DayZ analysis

    Actually, I think the OP makes a very good post, and while I may not feel as strongly, all of the points the OP has brought up, I'd like to see changed in some magnitude or another as well. Although sneaking past zombies is an acquired skill I've found, if anything I want more zombies, zombies outside of cities and bigger groups of them, rather than just numerous lone individuals. I agree most strongly with point 1 though. There is no reason not to kill any player you see. I don;t mind dying, but this game has the potential to be so much more than just a free for all with some zombies.
  9. Thanks! Doh, that's obvious, I was just confused by your wording, because ever since I started playing again a few days ago, I get an annoying bug that seems to flicker day into night with seizure inducing bright flashes, which look a bit like a stroboscope from a disco, to be honest, so I figured I might not have been alone in this, but alas. :(
  10. maizel

    What should our next competition be?

    Best short story or After Action Report? (AAR)
  11. maizel

    Hear players scream!

    I want to hear people scream for their mommy while they;re being eaten. or something of equal dread.
  12. maizel

    Crossbow Suggestions - new item/more

    A boost doesn't necessarily mean damage increase. I think ironsights that are actually half way on mark would make the crossbow alot more useful for alot of people. But as long as the hatchet, which has unlimited ammo, is just as silent and kills in one hit, remains as it is, the crossbow, or any other weapon for that matter, will be almost useless in zombie defence.
  13. maizel

    Reducing ammo = reduce murders

    I just like the idea of less ammo in general.
  14. maizel

    An Actual in game Day Z

    I suppose that would work. It wouldn't be for me though. That would just be a very drawn out deathmatch.
  15. Disco? Could you elaborate?
  16. maizel

    Legs breaking at 12000

    Expect to lose your stuff. Always, especially when you have an AKM, 1911 and a nice big bag. Also, I make a point of having at least 1 morphine at any time. If I don't, I make a point of getting some of it. This so far has allowed me to deal with the one hit breaks, which in my experience happen only rarely. But yes, I can understand the annoyance, but such is the game. I;m pretty sure you would have been just as annoyed if you were stranded in the middle of nowhere, broken legs, with no morphine and 9k, instead of 12k health. Morphine is important, always try to have some.
  17. maizel

    An Actual in game Day Z

    It sounds interesting, but I don;t see it working. I don't know about you, but I'd like to log off every now and then. Also, I see this becoming a campfest and.or taking a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
  18. My launcher says 9773 people online. And (for me at least) it;s 6:30 in the morning. I don;t find that bad. I do think the avarage player numbers and peaks have lessened a bit, but that is to be expected. A few weeks ago Dayz was like a sensation. A lot of people heard about it and decided to check it out, getting ARMAII to top the steam Sales chart to this day if I'm correct. People get bored of the game, find out it isn't for them, or are waiting until they improve on certain points. I myself just got back to playing a bit after weeks of inactivity, I'm pleased with the changes they've made, but they have far to go if they ever want to make this any kind of retail product. Personally, the biggest reason I left the game for a while was not really because of bandits, but more because of the indiscriminate killing, some people on these forums still try to pass off as realistic given the situation. I just got tired having to respawn several times just to get of the beach with my health and beans intact. They mostly fixed that quite nicely.
  19. maizel

    Player Behavoir Evolution

    I really dislike the barbed wire spamming that's going on at the moment. I'm okay with the logic of it, but it's getting a bit out of hand now, in my opinion. Pretty much any mid+ lootpoint on the southcoast is blocked in pretty much every server, and I;m sure it won;t be long until people pick up on it and the entire east coast get blocked as well. As I said, I;m okay with the logic of it, but It's just a bit too much. Besides, I'd imagine people living in a post zombie-apocalyptic world would have much better things to do than put barbed wire in front of seemingly every random door in the world.
  20. maizel

    Bleed to easily?

    I think the bleeding is fine. As soon as you got a knife and matches, it's very unlikely you'll ever be in a big need for blood. I'm carrying half a steakhouse with me at this moment.
  21. I love it how much time you took to write that up, and how little I care about it.
  22. maizel

    Crossbow Suggestions - new item/more

    They just need to nerf the hatchet quite a bit, and give the crossbow the boost it always deserved. in my opinion, at least.
  23. maizel


    I agree, the hatchet is the single most useful zombie weapon. It kills in one hit and is completely silent. If you ever happen to trigger a zombie, just spam LMB until the zombie is down since , which won't take long. You probably only need to take one hit, if at all, and you do not alert any other zombies and you dont need to worry about ammo. In my mind the hatchet made any other weapon pointless for zombie defence. Also, it fits snugly on your toolbelt if needed. I think they need to tone down the lethality a bit, maybe make it a 2-4 hit kill.