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Everything posted by maizel

  1. maizel

    @people moaning about being shot.

    I'm okay with the logic of getting shot, I do dislike the total indiscriminate killing that is going on now. I don't think it's realistic that 99% of the world population would essentially change in murdering psychopaths in case of a disaster. But it makes sense everybody is killing, since there is not much to do which is impossible or much easier to dowith multiple people, this includes surviving. I think survival needs to become much harder for it to make sense for the the average player to consider not shooting on sight.
  2. pewrsonallyI would like at least some effect for being a bandit/murderer. But then again, I doubt it would be much help on it's own. The game needs to be significantly harder for people to not consider shooting on sight. Maybe more damage resistant zombies, since you don;t need more than 2 hits with almost all weapons. Also I'd like to see zombies spawn in the wild. It would also be nice to have more stuff to do, because at the moment, kilkling weak zombies or players is pretty much all there is to do in the game. And any effect of being a murdere is useless if that is the only thing there is to do.
  3. maizel

    remove player kill stats

    Its not going to be populair, because it's a choice between knowing and not knowing, both which have little impact on gameplay. I'd rather have an option to know, if it's all the same. I wouldn;t care much not knowing, but since it's in, why take it out?
  4. That was a nice rant. Congratulations, dude.
  5. Because we can believe everything that is written in books? :rolleyes: Selfpwnge.
  6. I don't believe indiscriminate killing would be realistic in any scenario. But there is little else to do in the game.
  7. Hey man, how are you? I'm 24, Dutch, and looking to Team up as well. I'm not hardcore into this game, and don't play it days on end, but we can team up, if you'd like? I'm afraid it's just me, and not a whole possé :P I got access to a teamspeak server as well, if you'd like.
  8. I'm Dutch, does that matter to you?
  9. I agree. The latest patch, especially the removal of most starting gear has improved the game remarkedly. I just hope they give us more stuff to do, and much harder survival sometime soon. Fighting over food and drink seems much more logical to me than killing people over NVG.
  10. I agree with OP, it isn;t realistic, and it is the part I hate most about the game. BUT! This is a loot driven game with nothing much else to do than to get said loot. And the easiest way to do this is to kill other people. And even those who are not inclined to kill, will often do so out of self preservation. I don;t like it much, but atm it's the way it is, and I;m okay with the logic of it. I do hope survival gets harder, weapons, ammo, food and drink rarer and we get more stuff to do. But as the game is now, the rampant PvP (like or dislike) is a logical consequence.
  11. maizel

    Slower zombies, increased numbers.....

    Maybe, but I don't think it would work. I have no problem keeping a good supply of whatever ammo I need. Even though I think the zombies are kind of glitchy and jerky, I do think their speed is the only thing that make them somewhat dangerous. Common weapons take them out in 1 shot, giving you more time to fire without the risk of taking damage, would make zombies even more of a non-entity than they are now.
  12. maizel

    Offical Word ?

    I hope we'll get the update today as planned. But meh, I have no problem with Rocket keeping his own timetables.
  13. maizel

    1sh Jule 2012. Unexpected jump

    I recently got back into the game as well. There is still much work to be done, especially if they ever intend to release a DayZ as a standalone game. But I;ve got to say that having players start off with nothing, and limiting the weapon spawns is a golden change. I hope they limit it a bit more, especially the food/drink spawns. I usually walk around with a half a steakhouse, and a container of canned food . I'm never even close to starving. But they're going in the right direction. Just need some more stuff to do. I don;t like the barbed wire spam though.
  14. maizel

    To Alex: Rest In Peace.

    Don't marry her now, she's a bandit.
  15. maizel

    Lee einfield vs Crossbow

    Take the Enfield. With the Hatchet, being ridiculously overpowered: one hit kill, unlimited use, just as silent, the crossbow lost the little use it has. I actually use my hatchet exclusively against zombies. best zombiekiller in the game.
  16. I personally liked it more with the skin. But I think what would really help is having more things to do ingame. Since after a while killing players is the only thing that is any fun. Also, I would like the survival experience to be much, much more challenging.
  17. I don't mind PVP much, I do think there is little else to do in the game than killing players. I would totally support a more difficult surviving experience. Though PVP must always be an option.
  18. It's a good idea, though 'innocents' will undoubtly be affected by it. But in this case I think the ends justify the means.
  19. maizel

    Official [ZSK] Recruitment

    Thats a shame :P. Thanks for the offer, though!
  20. maizel


    I don't regularly play there. But I can start. Are you guys on a Vent/TS/mumble I can join?
  21. maizel

    Official [ZSK] Recruitment

    Is this US or EU?
  22. maizel

    Why do you murder?

    I murder because I get murdered otherwise. Easy as that. It's what I like least about the game. In a loot driven sandbox game, with nothing much else to do, this is to be expected.
  23. maizel

    fix the game ffs

    It happens. But as far as I know, the PvP is WAD at the moment. Thhough I personally hope they bring back some kind of deterrence. Anyway. You're just ranting.
  24. maizel

    Banned for Intimidation.

    You fancy yourself a hotshot, don't you? Why tell us here? Why not try to get unbanned or report it?
  25. maizel

    Zombie Herds

    I like the idea pf zombie herds, or any kind of zombie in the wild at all. I do feel like that the current zombies might be a bit too punishing in a horde in the middle of the wood. In cities, zombies aren't much of a trouble, because you can chokepoint them indoors. I wouldn;t want to be the one stumbling across a horse of twitchy, warping or clipping zombioes in the middle of nowhere. :P Though I do agree with the sentiment.