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About Bruni

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bruni

    Map: player position

    You're right it is only possible on a few servers. Thanks for you help.
  2. A friend of mine and i played a round dayz together. We both found a map in a building, when we looked at the map we saw our self as blue dots, an sometimes on the map orange dots appear and disappear a few seconds latter. When we put the mouse over them we see as description "man". Does this mean another player? My friend and i always have the description "survivor". Sometimes i see players on the map and my friend not and vice versa. Sometimes i dont see him on the map but he sees me there. Can someone explain why this happen? thanks, Bruni
  3. Bruni

    looking for some euros

    bump. Please dont contact me to join a group/team/clan with a high number of people...
  4. Iam looking for some european people to play with. (i dont care if western or eastern europe). Mature, fluent english speaking and using ts3/vent/skype would be cool. ( german or french groups are welcomed too.) Want to great or join a small group (4-5 players max, to keep it familiar). pm me here or add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005607119 Thanks, Bruni