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Everything posted by Shuggler

  1. Application Name: Jon Arne Halvorsen Username: ShuGGler Skype: shuggler123 Age: 21 Timezone: UTC+1 Primary Job: 1st Infantry Division Secondary Job: Infantry Sniper, D.R.E.A.M. Sniper or Squad Leader Tactical Realism, Casual, or any other playstyle (won't affect acceptance): Tactical Realism or Casual, depends on the depth of you realism Will you stay loyal to the Chernarus Conglomerate Clan?: Of course.
  2. Shuggler

    Permanent injuries

    Everything should be able to be fixed 100%, or else people will just suicide and get back to their gear. If you cant fix your broken leg, then you would just respawn. That is atleast how I see it. Make sure it can be fixed 100%, and its good,
  3. Shuggler

    Hero and bandit leveling.

    Bandits get to hide their backpacks, that is a pretty big perk when being prone on the ground :)
  4. Shuggler

    Post-it notes

    Am I the only one who thought of this? Couldnt find it anywhere else atleast. A new item: Post-it notes. They come up when you view your map, and you can write on them, for example where your base is, who you are hunting etc., instead of using notepad in the background. If you die, your notes can be looted and other people can see what you wrote, so you can leave funny notes for them if wanted. It makes remember where your base is easyer, but if you get looted, other people will know, so you have to be kind of careful, or write in code (O.o) What do you think? Should they be added? Should they be lootable?