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About samiller120

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    On the Coast

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  1. samiller120


    Hello family we have 2 dayz server dayz epoch and dayz taviana tow of a kind. First one epoch It has so much that other severs don't AI mission extra city's player base custom loot and more taviana has 600 extra buildings with more coming and tow and lift lots of cars and player base we hope to see you around and taviana map is looking for good players and admins our TS is ts79.light-speed.com:5637
  2. We are The Cake is a Lie Clan. Our clan was created on April 15th, 2013. We welcome anyone who wants to have fun and likes playing games, we treat all equally. In our clan, we want our members to have as much of a voice as our staff do. This means that if you have a complaint, feel free to report it to us. We listen to them and treat them accordingly, furthermore, our gaming clan is open to suggestions. Please remember to respect each other on our servers and have fun. That being said, we are looking for players who like having fun. We have a website and a teamspeak. And yes, we are looking for admins. We will also be getting loadouts for people who donate. We look forward to bringing a lot to the people and we are going to be doing a whole lot of events. We also have working house lights, Two guys sat in one teamspeak and made this.org and we are trying to make this a big thing. If you ever wanted to be part of something big or part of something that just started The Cake Is A Lie is the Clan for you. We do not disrespect each other, we treat you the way we would want to be treated and we do our best to keep you happy. We also have a dayz server, along with more servers to come. Hope to see you there! B) our Teamspeak is thecakeisalie120.typefrag.com
  3. Hello we have 70 SLOT Server Event going on to the top player on the sever you can win Arma 3 just by being a top player. Admins are always on and we respect everyone and we do our best to keep you and our Community happy.. Everyone is welcome to join united survivors sever 3 atunitedsurvivors3.typefrag.com:6060. We have cool Loadout and we are making more every other week.Our Community would like to share with you the chance to play DayZ the way it was meant to be played. Here on our Private hive Chernarus server you dont spawn with anything special. There aren't 400+ Vehicles with 20 Helicopte but, we made sure there were just enough for someone to find one There are no Death messages or nameplates Side chat text & voice is enabled, just please keep chatter to a minimum Aint hack is on so hackers will be found and Ban Crosshairs are on off Active Teamspeak:unitedsurvivors3.typefrag.com:6060 Dayz IP:
  4. Hello we have a Server Event going on to the top player on the sever you can win Arma 3 just by being a top player. Admins are always on and we respect everyone and we do our best to keep you and our Community happy.. Everyone is welcome to join united survivors sever 3 atunitedsurvivors3.typefrag.com:6060. We have cool Loadout and we are making more every other week.Our Community would like to share with you the chance to play DayZ the way it was meant to be played. Here on our Private hive Chernarus server you dont spawn with anything special. There aren't 400+ Vehicles with 20 Helicopte but, we made sure there were just enough for someone to find one There are no Death messages or nameplates Side chat text & voice is enabled, just please keep chatter to a minimum Aint hack is on so hackers will be found and Ban Crosshairs are on off Active Teamspeak:unitedsurvivors3.typefrag.com:6060 Dayz IP:
  5. samiller120

    you can win arma 3 end date 4/1/2013

    Can't wate to see you guys
  6. Hello IM with an org named United survivors this event ends 4/1/2013 and it requires that you downloaded game tractor and every time you play the server running game tracker befor you join the reason being said is because the person who plays on the server the most I can see from GameTracker it will tell me all the time you played and how much time you have played so that person will get arm 3 from samiller120 me our admins are on almost 20/47 the sever IP is my Steam name is Samiller120