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Everything posted by boemanerds

  1. This type of server is so much unlike all of the others, putting survival in front of PvP. Its a shame there isnt any other servers doing whats going on here. :/ Also is it just me or can anyone else not find this server on Dayz launcher?
  2. boemanerds

    DayZ Gun list

    AS50 is best smg
  3. boemanerds

    Server closing

    How long untill the celle server is all back to normal?
  4. boemanerds

    Server closing

    All marked gasstations on the map do not seem to work. The only exeption is a few seperate un marked gastanks.
  5. boemanerds

    Server closing

    Will all of the custom weapons and vehicles be making a return?
  6. boemanerds

    Server closing

    Oring is a good map. Its like chernarus but adds many more millitary bases and custom vehicles and weapons.
  7. boemanerds

    Server closing

    Is it posible to donate in an alternate way instead of paying money or is that the only way