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Everything posted by Sondre

  1. yeah im in his group and he was admin banned for no reson what wso ever and tryed to meet back up whit him and he tryed to join and couldnt join back inn :/ need him in the zombie apocolypse! pleas im beging to my knees pleas unbann him fix this problem :( <3
  2. sorry for the bad englsih :s but i say agine! not global just local by admin :) pleas fix it for him need him in the apocolyps! :(
  3. my friend is banned for no reasen at all we just killed somone in stary sobor and i got killed and he picked a as50 that he fond on the body i killed, and he logged afther he killed the guy who killed me and he patched him self up and he had to leave the game to go tosleep, anny how you can fix this his name is peewees btw it was not a global bann it was locla bann he readed wrong!